
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

Rescue powerhouse, No Admittance 抢救重地,闲人莫入
Health care access, No Admittance 医护人员通道,闲人莫入
Surgery powerhouse, No Admittance 手术重地,闲人莫入

Emergency Medicine

Observation Room

Security Room

District infusion

B super-black-and-white room

Color Room

Medical laboratory


Painless flow Branch

Infertility Division

Short-wave treatment VITRO Room

Breast surveillance room

Colposcopy Room

The treatment of gynecological areas

President of the room

Vice-President of the room

Assistant to the President Room

Human Resources

Reception Center

Assistant chairman of the board room

Planning Division

Waiting Area


Treatment Room

ENT operating room


Liver Diseases Branch


Traditional Chinese Medicine Division

Internal Medicine

Stone Section


太多了 不是我自己翻译的 你自己校对

模拟定位室 analog situating room

放疗室 radiotherapy room
制模室 moulding room
体模室 phantom room
医生办公室 coctor's office
主任办公室 dean's office
物理室 Physicial Room

铅模室 leadpattern room
卫生间 :男厕 gentlemen 女厕 wemen (这个直接写男女就行)

Simulation Room
Radiotherapy Room
Mould Room
Phantom Room
Doctor's Office
Chief Doctor's Office
Physical Room
Lead Mould Room
男卫生间Man's Room
女卫生间Lady's Room

to simulate stationary room
mould room
group pattern
doctor office
director office
physical room
the very room
gents;waiting room and ladies

Simulation positioning
Room radiotherapy
Making room
Body mold room
The doctor's office

The director's office
Physicial Room
Lead mold room
Toilet:men'room women'room

模拟定位室 =Simulation Room
放疗室 ="Radiotherapy Room"/(Emanatorium=射气疗病院)
制模室 =Replication Room
体模室 = Phantom Room
医生办公室 =Doctor's Office
主任办公室 =Supervisor's/Director's Office
物理室 =Physiotherapy Room (?)
铅模室 = Lead Mold Room
卫生间 :男厕 女厕 = Washrooms : Male, Female

注:任务完成!(已查遍所有字典才翻译的.只有"Physiotherapy Room"<物理治疗室>无法确定.)


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