
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

120 doctors' offices, registration unload chamber, registration charges, dean's office, Western Bureau, the Bureau of medicine, neurosurgery clinic, neurology clinic, obstetrics and gynecology clinic, obstetrics and gynecology ward 3001-3014, Department of Infectious Diseases, Department of Pathology, physiotherapy, comprehensive medical clinic

模拟定位室 analog situating room

放疗室 radiotherapy room
制模室 moulding room
体模室 phantom room
医生办公室 coctor's office
主任办公室 dean's office
物理室 Physicial Room

铅模室 leadpattern room
卫生间 :男厕 gentlemen 女厕 wemen (这个直接写男女就行)

西医诊断室1 Western Wedicine Diagnosis Room 1
西医诊断室2 Western Medicine Diagnosis Room 2
中医诊断室 Traditional Chinese Medicine (可用缩写TCM) diagnosis Room
骨伤科 Orthopedics Department
外科专家门诊 Specialist Surgical department
接种室 Vaccination Room
妇保室 Maternity and Child Care Room
冷链室 Cold Chain Room
抢救室 Fisrt Aid Room
护士值班室 Nurse Duty Center
治疗室 Treatment Room
办公室 Administrative Office
财务室 Finance
微机室 Computer Room
党支部 Party Branches Office
工会 Union
纠风办 Inspection Office
计生办 Family Planning Office
医务护理部 Nurse Center
合管办 Merging Administering Office
副院长办公室 Vice Director's Office
小会议室 Reception Room
大会议室 Conference Room
档案室 Archives 或者 Filing Room
妇产科 Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (可用缩写DGO)
口腔科 Department of Stomatology
眼耳鼻喉科 E.N.T.Department

西医诊断室1 Western medicine diagnosis Room 1
西医诊断室2 Western medicine diagnosis Room 2
中医诊断室 TCM diagnosis Room
骨伤科 Orthopedics
外科专家门诊Outpatient surgical experts
接种室 vaccination Room
妇保室 UNIFEM-Room
抢救室 Rescue Room
护士值班室 Nurses on duty
治疗室 Treatment Room
办公室 Office
财务室 Finance Room
微机室 Computer Room
党支部 Party branches
工会 Unions
纠风办 Style Correction Office
计生办 Family Planning Office
医务护理部 Department of Medical Care
合管办 Cooperation with the Office of Management
副院长办公室Vice President's Office
小会议室 Small conference rooms
大会议室 Large conference room
档案室 CRR
口腔科 Oral
眼耳鼻喉科 ENT

  • 医院门牌的英文翻译,在线等!急!
    答:模拟定位室 analog situating room 放疗室 radiotherapy room 制模室 moulding room 体模室 phantom room 医生办公室 coctor's office 主任办公室 dean's office 物理室 Physicial Room 铅模室 leadpattern room 卫生间 :男厕 gentlemen 女厕 wemen (这个直接写男女就行)...
  • 医院门牌英文怎么翻译
    答:西医诊断室1 Western Wedicine Diagnosis Room 1 西医诊断室2 Western Medicine Diagnosis Room 2 中医诊断室 Traditional Chinese Medicine (可用缩写TCM) diagnosis Room 骨伤科 Orthopedics Department 外科专家门诊 Specialist Surgical department 接种室 Vaccination Room 妇保室 Maternity and Child Care R...
  • 求助医院科室门牌翻译
    答:门诊护士办公室:Outpatient Nurse's Office 门诊办公室:Outpatient Office 儿科厕所:Children's Toilet 儿科候诊:Pediatric Waiting Room 儿科门诊:Pediatric Outpatient Department 输液室:Transfusion Room 小儿注射:Child Injection Room 男厕所/女厕所/残疾人专用厕所:Male/Female/Disabled Toilet 饮水间...
  • 关于医院门牌的英文翻译
    答:Dermatology 太多了 不是我自己翻译的 你自己校对
  • 医院门牌翻译
    答:CT室 CT ROOM 候诊室 Waitting Room 治疗室 Healting Room 操作室 Operation Room CT检查室(一)No.1 CT Testing ROOm CT检查室(二)No.2 CT Testing ROOm
  • 门牌中英文翻译
    答:生产品质部、Production quality control 行政人事部、Personnel 党群工作部、Mass work 副总经理、vice general manager 总经理、impresario 工会主席、Chairman of the Trade Union 财务总监 Financial Controller 满意请采纳
  • ...手术准备间、一病房、二病房,英文怎样翻译。
    答:Changing room Storeroom Operating room First hospital ward Second hospital ward 我也不知道对不对。。
  • 帮我翻译两个门牌英文
    答:Maternity clinic High-risk pregnancy outpatient service
  • 求医院门牌 英文翻译?
    答:The red light cures room microwave a treatment room laser a treatment room
  • 求敬老院门牌的英文翻译,急
    答:Dean room , distribution room, control room, men's, ladies' room, barrier-free toilet, passenger elevator, medical elevator, restaurant, male locker room, female locker rooms, wash dishes, cold dishes, wash the dishes, male the bathroom, bathroom, nursing station, observations, the ...