
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

after是介词 所有的介词后动词都用ing形式


1. The interesting points is that when people talking about Taipei. They will associate Taipei with the Peiking.Some how there are so many resemblance in many field between two city.

2. The number of visitor to World Exposition is approaching to 50 million.

3. My shadow seems very beautiful under the gentle light,meantime my pace is slowing and the reverie are beyound the sky.


句子中的 千丝万缕 直逼 徐徐飞扬,都是修饰性词语,英语表述最终本意。表述出来即可,这样才会平整通顺。句子要看整体,而非单个词语。
请楼主多多 对比,综合采纳,总结出最好的答案。

1. It's interesting that when people mention Taipei, Beijing always comes to mind. The two cities seem to have myriad connections.

2. Shanghai Expo attendance is closing in on 50 million.
close in on 后面接数字,即接近...

3. In the soft light and shadows, people subconsciously slow down, and let their mind wander (at will).


1 好玩的是,提到台北,总是会想起北京。两个城市仿佛有千丝万缕的联系。
Interestingly, mentioning of Taipei always put one in mind of BeiJing.and these two cities seem closely associated with each other

2 世博参观人数直逼5000万。
the number of visitors to World Expo are approaching 5000
3 柔美光影下,脚步不觉慢下,思绪徐徐飞扬
We slowed our pace in the mellow light and our minds started to fill with thoughts

1. Funnily enough, whenever one talks about Taipei, I will always think of Beijing. The two cities seem to have a lot of connections.
2. The number of World Expo visitors is almost reaching 50million.
3. My steps have gradually slowed down unconciously under the dreamy soft light, as my thoughts began to wander all over the place.


1,The fun is always that when Taipei is mentioned,we offten reminding of Beijing.It seems like millions of ties between the two cities.

2. There are 50 million people who are visiting the Expo..

3.With the soft and wonderful shadow,the step slow down,and the thought is becoming wild by degrees.


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