
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-12
英语翻译 3句 求> <

1.A fire broke out in that company last night.(break out意为某事突然发生,相当于不及物动词)
2.I have never heard of anything about him.
3.Who is in charge of the department?

The conference started with his presentation of the activity of last month.
This charity weicomes every volunteer regardless of their occupation.
Nothing can alter the fact that he must be responsible for this traffic accident.

在水乳液主要鲱鱼油制备 -乳球蛋白上的静电沉积在pH值为3.5的果胶。1%第二句油制备的乳液,0.05%  -乳球蛋白,和0.06%的果胶进行物理稳定长达16天。第三句作为监测脂质过氧化物和顶空丙醛形成确定的,乳液制备的多层系统的β-乳球蛋白和柑橘果胶比稳定乳液更稳定的β-乳球蛋白单独







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