
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11
请英语高手翻译下 不要机器翻译 谢谢。。。


Since 1978, total number of overseas students reached 1.07 million in China, but only 275 thounds of them had
returned which is nearly three-quarters of the brain drain from overseas.

My cousin flew back last week from the USA,I waited for her from early moring in the waiting room.When I saw her appearing,we hugged each other.I help her with her luggage.We laughed and talker on the way home.
Even only a few days,we went shopping,took photos in the zoo,had dinner and so on.She said before she returned to the USA:"I will come to China next year!"

On the older female cousin Saturday rides the airplane from US to comeback, I very early on wait for in the meeting machine room, I see whenthe older female cousin comes out, both of us hug in together, meetsme to help the older female cousin to take the baggage, in goes homeon the road is merry.
Although only the short several day time, I go to the market shopping,the zoo group photo with the older female cousin, eat the snack and soon, the older female cousin return to time US said that, " Nextyear I also will come Chinese. "

My cousin came back from America by air last Saturday, I waited for her in the waiting hall early that morning. We hugged after I saw her coming out. Then I helped to take the luggage for her, we talked and laughed on our way home.
Though it was only a few days, I still went shopping, taking pictures in the zoo, having snack and so on with her. My cousin said"I'll come again next year" before she went back to America.呵呵!!!ok?

  • ...高手帮忙翻译一下下面的一篇文章,不要机器翻译,在线等,谢谢!_百度...
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    答:Trademark the function of the one is let the consumer can be clear at a glance the type and characteristics, goods is itself a trademark most concise and strong advertising. Any kind of commodity production and sales from incoming must have relatively clear consumption object and ...
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    答:Time flied by in the form of an alluring dream.It is in this dream that I met you.It is you, who made my monochromatic memories colourful 译为令我本是黑白的记忆有了色彩 However, I woke up from the dream with fear.I might appear strong, yet I'm fragile on the inside.I...
  • 请帮我翻译一句话。英语。不要机器翻译。
    答:If you say it is high, can you say your idea?Because of high cost, so I offer xxx. If you think the price is high, please provide a your psychological price.你好,很高兴能为你解答,第一种是我自己口头翻译的,第二种使用机器翻译的。希望我的回答能帮到你,谢谢!望采纳!
  • 急:我英语很差。哪位大哥大姐帮我翻译一下。(拒绝机器!欢迎自己...
    答:记得他对我说过长大后他也要打我。这都是小时候的不懂事.童年真的是很快乐。现在长大了,我们成了无话不谈的朋友 。我们聊生活中开心和不开心的事。有时还会聊到女同学.我因为有他这个兄弟感到幸福,我想他也是.我的演讲完了 翻译:hello everybody.the topic of my lecture is <brothers>,i ...
  • 急,英语好的请进,大家帮忙翻译一下(不要机器翻译的),谢谢,50分!
    答:1. 30% down payment, effected after sales contract signed.2. 45% paid before delivery.3. Balance payment of 25%, paid with 7 days after acceptance of inspection.
  • 100分请高手帮忙翻译一下。急(不要机器的啊)
    答:under the boiled water about 550 ml.2.煮沸2至3分钟或加盖焖4至5分钟。2. Boil it for about 2-3 minutes or stew it for about 4-5 minutes with the cover.3.将面,汤搅拌均匀,即成一道美味佳肴。3. Mix the noodle and sauces, and the nice food is cooked.个人翻译,仅供参考!
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    答:花了些时间手工翻译的,相信您也是看得懂好坏的。1. This emblem is formed to a shape like 5 sheep similar to a torch with graceful and uprising lines,simpolizing the sacred flaming ceremonial fire of the Asian Games will burn forever ,never died out.2. The mascot of the ...
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    答:match her unique temperament, kindness, cuteness, low profile, sincerity and unselfishness. Everywhere she really only thinks for others, never considers herself, sometimes she is even a little extremely unselfish.抱歉,时间不多,中间有一两句,如 由内而外的,没仔细考虑,采用了意译。
  • 英语翻译一段文字,不要机器翻的。
    答:注意,由于考虑到翻译要注意英语表达的习惯,里面的句子没有句句照着直译。译文如下:现行教材对农村英语教学缺乏的实用性。现行的英语新教材大多图文并茂、形式活泼。内容丰富,符合中小学生的年龄及个性特征。但新教材的素材基本以城市生活为中心,与农村实际脱节,造成教学的困难。Nowadays, the Teaching ...