
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Based on the new situation was created in a new starting point

Judiciary administration-rization problem must arouse in current reform of the judicial system attaching great importance to. The administration-rization messenger of judiciary judiciary has lost the quality and function that oneself should have , the administration-rization have led to excessive administration authority swelling , weakened judiciary judiciary function, has been that currently, effect judicial fairness hinders a maximal obstacle of course but the Chinese judiciary modernizes. Our country constitution makes "the judicial organ stipulating that the PRC people's court is the country's" clear ", the people's court exercises judicial authority according to law independence , does not accept the administrative organ , nongovernmental organization and personal interference ". According to constitution regulation currently in effect, "one mansion two yards " functions are independent , equal in status. Accordingly judiciary administration-rization being that the spirit goes against each other with real constitution. One kind of surely corresponding relaxation of authority excessive expansion another one kind of authority regularity works. The administration-rization damage therefore, knowing a judiciary sufficiently, goes deep into administration-rization the history taking form and real cause excavating a judiciary , explores and the rational prevention and cure countermeasure , responds to the priority being reform of the judicial system the days to come. The main body of a book is composed from the foreword , text and conclusion. The foreword part studies motivation , studies purpose, and goes deep into phenomenon significance studying a judiciary administration-rization to have introduced the main body of a book's. Text part , the independent position analysing judicial powers first, administration-rization performance of judiciary, aims at laying stress on administration-rization damage of judiciary. Secondly, go deep into administration-rization cause in discussing current judicial system of our country, this two aspect go along analysis studies emphasize the secondary history tradition factor and real cause of formation. The at last has brought forward problem approach resolving a judiciary administration-rization , has started with to analysing the administration-rization necessity resolving a judiciary , has brought forward the administration-rization method resolving a judiciary, modern times suggesting that secondary legal system builds and reinforces ranks of judicial personnel and setting up this three big aspect is simultaneous start , only this three big aspect produces a marked effect commonly judiciary administration-rization problem ability solve completely. The conclusion has been brought forward looking forward to and expecting that , has thought that finishing wielding judicial powers under justice and just call for is human being's common wish and ideal.

1. I had some difficulties 2. 3 easy questions to ask the teacher. More time going to night classes to learn 4. Develop independent living skills 5. Night more of their own learning time 6. Learning content can be disposed of

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