
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

Fourth, the rights and obligations of both sides
4.1 The owner must be at least 10 working days in advance will be provided to the B advertising material, advertising material for the simulation of Betacom format or DVD. The owner of the above-mentioned period for advertising material, resulting in their advertising can not be released or not released on schedule, the default is not considered B, and B does not bear any resulting losses can be deferred advertising B, A would have to pay accrue from the media (under this contract, "the media accrue," refers to this contract and its annexes of the agreement advertising section 1) to the actual release date between the cost of advertising.
4.2 If the owner to change advertising material to in paragraph 4.1 will be referred to the period after the change of advertising material provided to B, B should be changed in accordance with the advertising material, in accordance with the contractual agreement to complete the release of the owner advertising . If the owner can not be described in section 4.1 of the period after the change to provide its advertising material, which resulted in no change in the time after the publication of advertisements or advertising material can not be published, B visualization actual situation, in accordance with the change in advertising Extension materials are in accordance with the original release, or advertising material on time advertising, not to be regarded as non-B, and B does not bear any losses caused by. Specific agreement are as follows:
A) If B can be changed scheduled advertising scheduling, B, in accordance with the change in the advertising material delays.
B) If B can not change the original Advertising waiting, B still advertising material on time in accordance with the original advertisement

Shipment within 20 working days of 1, Party A Party B received 50% payment. 2, Party B will be responsible for the transport of goods to a designated location, freight commitment by the party. 3, with the final confirmation of the sample box for acceptance criteria. 4, three singlegoods packed in a large box, big box of size 53*42*82cm,a total of 16 large box; there are two single goods packed in a small box, box size 53*42*55cm, 50 total to 17 box.The big box small box 11kg, 16KG weight, total weight 267kg; the total volume of fand 3.2m. 5, Party A shall pay50% of the purchase price, the remaining payment before shipment. 6, by the two sides through consultation, the consultation fails, the local people's court jurisdiction to the contract in accordance with the law, abide by the two sides look common. The Contractor: Beijing centuryYongxiang Package Technology Co Ltd

Commission agreement
Contract no.:
Party A: Yanbian Xinghai culture media Co., Ltd.
Party b:
This agreement by both parties on the basis of equality and reciprocity is reached, both parties through consultation and negotiation, the signing of this contract.
Article 1: the entrusted matters:
Party A entrusts Party B to enterprise management consulting services, the specific requirements of the entrusted matters as follows:
Party B shall be the corresponding service written material written to Party A and party opinions for whether or not to accept the.
Article second: the commission calculation, payment, payment time:
(1) 佣金计算:管理咨询服务费:美金。
(1) commission calculation: management consulting service fee: usd.
(2) 佣金支付方式:甲方在签订合同后的15日内一次性付清全部款
(2) the commission payment: Party A in the contract within 15 days after theone-time payment of the full section
第三条: 公约:
Article third: convention:
(2) 甲方应保证咨询内容合法,斡旋非为谋取不正当利益。
(2) Party A shall guarantee that the content of the legal consultation,mediation is not to seek illegitimate interests.
(3) 所有被乙接收到或者获知的有关甲方的业务和产品的保密资料应严格保密,既不能被乙方利用也不能超出这个协议的目的透露给任何其他人。
(3) all confidential information received or obtained by B for Party A's business and product should be strictly confidential, can neither be Party B uses is not beyond the purpose of agreement disclosed to any other person.
Article fourth: dispute resolution:
(1) 对违约行为若双方协商不成,可凭此合同向甲方所在地人民法院提出诉讼。
(1) for breach of contract if the negotiation fails, but by this contract to Party A in the local court.
Article fifth: the period of validity
This agreement is valid for 03 months from 2014 03 to 2014 06 02 December 2008. This agreement is in duplicate, both parties hold one,signed and sealed by both parties after the entry into force of confirmation.
甲方: 乙方:
Party A: Party b:
签章: 签章:
Signature: signature:
电话: 开户行:
Telephone: bank:
传真: 账号:
Fax: account:
地址: 地址:
Address: address:
日期:2014年 03 月03日 日期:2014年 03 月03日
Date: 03 2014 03 date: 2014 03 month 03 da

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