
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-30

There seems to be a lot of modal particles appear in the zuo commentary. Among all of them, "also" is the most common one. There are several ways to use "also", it can be use in tones of judging, questioning,and plaint, etc. in the zuo commentary, it was mostly used in judging tone.it can appear at the end of the sentence or after the noun.

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Edward comes from a Chinese American family. He likes to tell everything about his school and friends to his parents. At dinner time of everyday, He talks about his learning in the school. Edward likes his history teacher Mrs. Parks. But she is going to leave the school for further study. Mrs. Parks loves Chinese history. She will pursue for the master's degree in Chinese. Edward was both happy and a bit sad about this news. Can he do anything for his teacher? Yes, maybe he can teach her a little bit simple Chinese before she leaves for China.


Edward comes from a chinese american family.he would like to tell everything about his school and the things of friends to his parents. he will talk about his school learning at dinner time. Edward like his history teacher Mrs.parks. but he will leave for further study.Mrs.parks love china'history. she will go to china to study master's degree. Eward feel both happy and a bit sad about it . what he can do anything for his teacher? maybe he can teach some simple chinese words before she leave.


Edward and his American school
Edward is from Chinese American family.He likes telling everything about he and his friends do in school. He would talk about his school life at dinner time . Edward likes his history teacher Mrs.Parks.But she will leave for further study .Mrs.Parks loves Chinese histroy .She is going to China for master's degree.Edward feels both happy and a bit sad about. What can he do anything for his teacher? He may teach some simple Chinese before she leaves.

Edward and his school in America
Edward comes from a Chinese American family. He likes to tell his parents everything about his school and friends. Everyday at dinner time, he talks about his schoolwork. Edward likes his history teacher Mrs Parks, but she is leaving work for further study. Mrs Parks loves Chinese history, and she is going to get her Master's degree in China. Edward is both happy and a bit sad about the news. Is there anything he can do for Mrs Parks? Yes, he probably could teach her some simple Chinese before she leaves for China.

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    答:Yes, maybe he can teach her a little bit simple Chinese before she leaves for China.谢采纳。
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