
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

In the debate tournament, I was square, and that homosexuality should be married. First the simple reason that marriage is living on Earth, every citizen has the right. Put aside the emotional debate, prejudice is not to say that homosexuals should be married, single, from human rights a If you do not get married, they mean that homosexuals after the death of his legacy can not let the other half of his inheritance, which is the desecration of human rights.

The anti-party debate the Friends pointed out that the homosexual cause of many infectious diseases, I think this is just an excuse. The scientific data show that the sex life of women suffering from gynecological inflammation is not intercourse of life of women, 6.5 times, which illustrates the profiled do ~ love will lead to the rapid increase in gynecological inflammation, If using logical reasoning, then we can not do that heterosexual ~ Love can not get married? Apparently not, then it can not be before the cause of infectious diseases not to gay marriage on the grounds.

During the debate, the other side argue friends asked me if my close friends are gay, I will look at how. I immediately kissed our team with a male of a debate as to answer. When we debate the Friends point out each other's alleged personal attacks, the other replied, "is not a personal attack, just want you stand on the homosexual position, put yourself to think about them." In fact, to those who sincerely phase love but not with homosexuals consider, but those who do not agree with them.

In philosophy, there are three settings of freedom. Two, everyone has the right to the pursuit of freedom, each person in the pursuit of their own freedom shall be without prejudice to the freedom of others. Homosexuals in the pursuit of their own happiness, that is their freedom and rights, their marriage did not interfere with our rights; So why should we interfere with their right to the pursuit of freedom and love?

So, the gay marriage is the inevitable result of social development, this is not should problem, but the problem of morning and evening.And the length of the morning and evening, will see our social people how awakening!

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