跪求~大神们~~能帮我把下面的话翻译成英文吗?谢谢了 你好, 我叫

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04
英语大神们帮我把下面的中文翻译为英文吧!急急急!谢谢! 大家好!我叫李华,我是一名来自中国的高中生

Everybody is good! My name is li hua, I am a high school student from China, I can communicate with foreign friends is very convenient, I saw you on the Internet of international organization will be held in Singapore summer camp for middle school students, is the purpose of the summer camp with friends all over the world to introduce Chinese culture and understand the culture of other countries, to increase their own knowledge. Finally I want to be able to take part in the summer camp, you can or can be allowed.

怡 [yí] pleased harmony happy joyful

婷 [tíng] graceful, lightsome, airy-fairy, dainty, sylphlike

I am Pete, nice to meet you.
I am a beginner for learning English. This is my daughter, she's learning English, too.
We hope we can make friends with forigens.
In China, we would like to help you if we got a call, and we would try our best to help you. (It won't charge you anything.)
Here is my intrducing card, my contact number is on it.
Would you mind let me know how to contact with you?
Could you please help me to write it down? I am sorry I can't understand easily.
Thanks so much, see you next time.

my name is Peter,
nice to meet you.
I am a freshman of learning English. This my daughter, who is learning English.
We hope to make friends with some foreigners.
In China, if you have something need us to do for you, please contact me, I will try my best to help you freely.
This is my business card with phone number.
May I have your contact information?
Could you please write down? Sorry for my misunderstanding.
Thank you so much, hope to see you in future.

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