
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11


1.别让陌生人进你的房间!!___strangers___ ___ your room!
2.安和琳达争论了快两个小时。Ann argued with Linda for nearly two hours.(用上argue)
3.这两种发型她都不喜欢。She doesn't like either of the haircuts.(用上either)
Don't let strangers into your room!

Our room is as large as yours

Things become worse than I thought

We are making our school more beautiful.

I heard the teacher was speaking English when I was passing the classroom of Class 4

Do you know how to get to the Wang Fujing Street.

He works in the city and has to pay 60 yuan for Bus NO.915 every week.

7.小明热衷于和同学网上聊天(chat online),有时候都忘了吃饭。
Xiao Ming likes chating online with his friends very much that he sometimes forgot to have dinner.

1. is as big as yours
2. worse than I thought
3. are making our school beautiful
4. I heard the teacher teaching English
5. Do you know the way to
6. pay 60 yuan
7. likes chating online with his classmates so much that

1.is as big as yours
2.worse than i thought
3.are beautifing our school
4.I heard the teacher was speaking english
5.How can i get to
6.pay 60 yuan
7.is wild about chating online

1 as big as you 5 Do you kown a way to 我乱写的,错莫怪我

  • 帮我将这几个句子翻译成英文
    答:1.我的房间和你的一样大。Our room is as large as yours 2.事情比我原先想的坏得多。Things become worse than I thought 3.我们正在美化自己的学校。We are making our school more beautiful.4.我从四班教室过的时候听见老师讲英语呢。I heard the teacher was speaking English when I was...
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  • 请大家帮我把几个句子翻译成英文,谢谢喽!
    答:1)我将在哪个地方呆一周,如果我有时间我会去看你。 I will stay in the place for a week. If I have time, I will go and visit you.2)昨天我收到了我哥哥的一封信,他告诉我,他很快 会来看我。 I received a letter from my elder brother yesterday. He told me that he would...
  • 帮我翻译这几个句子成英文!
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  • 请帮我把这些句子翻译成英文,谢谢了!
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