
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

I saw monkeys are swinging,two lions are fighting,elephants are drinking water ,the tiger is sleeping ,the bird is flying,the zebra is walking,the rabbit is jumping.

1.《This Is It》 is based on the HD video of MJ's london concert rehearsal, and named after the unfinished concert--《This Is It》.
2.《This Is It》 was directed by the "high school musical" director kenny ortega. The movie includes some brand new videos MJ exclusively prepared for the concert.
3.Michael Jackson(1958.8.29-2009.6.25), full name Michael Joseph Jackson, MJ for short.one of the most singer, composer, Song Writer, dancer, actor, director, profucer, philanthropist and trend leader.He was the king of the pop music. his magical moves was copied by numerous stars.

1, in the west, today is a special day.

Today, many western festivals are popular around the world.

I want to make a wish here, I hope to see a better self in the future .

Now I feel a better self .

I hope the next classmates stan d here

I wish all the students have a good start in April.

This is not a lie

1, In west countries, today is a special festival.(说明,在西方不能直接翻In the west,而是西方国家)
2, Nowadays, many western festivals are popular around the world.
3, Here I want to promise a wish, I hope to be able to see a better myself in the future .
4, Now I have felt a better myself .
5. I hope to meet the classmate(s) next standing here.
6, I wish all the classmates have a good start in April.
7,This is not a lie

1, in the west, today is a special day.
2, in today, many western festival is very popular all over the world.
3, here I want to make a wish, I hope I can see a better in the future.
4, now that I've felt a better myself.
5, I hope that the next standing here.
6, I wish all students have a good start in April.
7, this is not a lie

In west,today is a special festival

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