
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

1.They have been urging us to open the letter of credit about 2000 dozens of pencils recently.
2.Delivery date closes on day by day, please apply to open the letter of credit as soon as possible.
3.Please notice the relevant letters of credit already opening through Bank of London, we wait for you to deliver goods in time.
4.Because the extra charge that the letter of credit is postponed causing is for your account
5.Advance gradually in time of shipment, it will be deeply grateful that can open the letter of credit in our favor as soon as possible.
6.Please do one's best to drive the letter of credit to at the end of this month rapidly, in order to ship in time.
7.We have already bought this goods from the producer
8.They urge and open a letter of credit immediately within 5 days

In the Fall of that year, US Secretary of State met China Foreign Minister in New York to discuss a series of important bilateral and international issues, focusing on China's accession to WTO.


【Are you there? Please contact me as soon as possible.】
【Please provide me your bank account information. I will make the payment to your account by today.】
【Could you give me your email address so that we could contact each other more easily?】
【Please contact my friend, who will provide you more specific details about the shipping and arrange a pick-up for me.】

1.Onlinewhat?Pleasecontact meassoonaspossible.
2.Pleasetell meyour bankaccount information.Today, I willpay you.
3.Can I have your email,easy to contact.
4.Pleasecontactmy friend,hewill tell youtheshippingdetails,andI arrangeda pick-up.

1. Please contact me ASAP if you are on line.
2.please tell me information on your number of the bank account, and i will pay you today.
3.Can i get your e-mail address for our convenient contact?
4.please reach my friend and he will show you the detail of shipping and arrange me to take data onsite.
ASAP是as soon as possible

1. Are you online? Please contact me as soon as possible.
2. Please give me your bank account information.I will pay you today.
3. Can you give me your email, it will ease to contact you later if any need.
4. Please contact my friend, he will tell you the shipping details, and arranged a pick-up for me.

1Are you online? Please contact me as fast as you can.
2Please tell me your account information. I will pay to you today.
3Can you give me your email? It's good to communicate with you.
4Please contact with my collogue and he will tell you the detail about the shipping and we will arrange to comes and take the goods.

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