
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-26

In 1980, the average annual growth rate of GDP in low-income developing countries was 5.9%, as compared with 3.5% in middle-income countries and 1.4% in industrialized countries.




In the Fall of that year, US Secretary of State met China Foreign Minister in New York to discuss a series of important bilateral and international issues, focusing on China's accession to WTO.


That year the autumn, U.S. Secretary of State and Chinese Foreign Minister met in New York to discuss a series of important bilateral and international issues, focusing on China's accession to the WTO issue.
Accession to WTO: 加入组织
contact 会晤但是这句话中用MEET就可以了

That year the autumn, U.S. Secretary of State and Chinese Foreign Minister met in New York to discuss a series of important bilateral and international issues, focusing on China's accession to the WTO issue. (Focus on, accession to)

会晤应该用meet 就可以了

In that fall, the U.S. Secretary of State had a meeting in New York with Chinese foreign minister, discussing a series of important issues concerning bilateral relationship and international matters,fucossing on China's entry of WTO.

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    答:In the Fall of that year, US Secretary of State met China Foreign Minister in New York to discuss a series of important bilateral and international issues, focusing on China's accession to WTO.accession就是加入 会晤用meet,最简单不过。
  • 高分求翻译一个商务英语短句
    答:In 1980, the average annual growth rate of GDP in low-income developing countries was 5.9%, as compared with 3.5% in middle-income countries and 1.4% in industrialized countries.