
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Human resources industry development office

The plant has mixed all the price tags of "P" and "M".
Please rearrange and have them delivered to the plant again.
Or you can send the serial number of the bar coded stickers to us,and let the plant take care of it.
如果你是工厂方,最后一句直接说 and we will take care of it 就可以了

I was responsible for the payment of the item, I would like to ask about what the amounts would be paid to the providers when? The supplier has reminders many times, please give a specific date account to the supplier, as well as arrangements for payment, or will affect their normal work, thank you!

I am am responsible to pay money a goal, I want to ask the how manyfunds when can pay the supplier? The supplier already pressed forpayment many times, please gave a specific date to confess gave thesupplier, and arranged the payment as soon as possible, otherwise willinterfere with the normal work, thanked!


  • 请帮忙处理 英语
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  • 请帮忙英文翻译
    答:I was responsible for the payment of the item, I would like to ask about what the amounts would be paid to the providers when? The supplier has reminders many times, please give a specific date account to the supplier, as well as arrangements for payment, or will affect their...
  • 需要大家帮忙翻译成英文 在线等
    答:Please help us to present your suggestion or advice.
  • 请帮忙翻译成英文,非常谢谢!!!
    答:certainly your best choice! Our service fee is as low as $12, which includes the management fee and monitoring fee, being $2 and $10 respectively. Don't you think it's a super bargain?Below is the charge of our advertising service.We accept electronic payment.纯手工翻译 ...
  • 请帮忙翻译成英文"感谢您详细的说明,请放心,我们会按照您的要求来发货...
    答:Thanks for your detail expatiation, please be assured that, we will deliver the goods according to your requirements.望采纳
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