
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

I'm awfully sorry about this problem! It’smy fault. I really tend to present my sorry for neglect this problem during inspection. We will and must improve our working capacity。

Gift box we used here just as we used previously,and you will find no problem after receiving it. Of course, some with scratcheswill be excluded next time.

The picture is somewhat unclear for the dim circumstance.

It’s our regular way for package. However, your box with a beyond proper dimension, just like we advised previously, is notsuitable for transportation. Therefore, my be damaged during the way of delivery.

Hello Dear staff, website and software package that we have sent to you, and three software are your antivirus software false positive for the virus, we are the leading financial trader, you carefully review the site introduction. Please also carefully screened in the compressed package 3 software. We are extremely grateful, online look forward to your reply. I wish a happy work!

My goal is to be a professor who teaches hotel management.To impart all my knowledge to others and establish my social values. At the university, I will put in all my efforts to learn my professional knowledge as well as interpersonal skills. I will use my holiday to travel abroad, experience the hotel and tourism management.I will also cherish the opportunities of internships and practise what I have learnt.


"My goal is to become a professor of hotel management professor. To the knowledge I have learned to teach others to realize their own social value. At the university, I will strive to learn their professional knowledge, learning and skills with others and use vacation time from tourism, and the hotel and tourism management. seize internship opportunities, by the practice of personal knowledge. "Translation Please help! Thank you!

my goal is to be a professor major in hotel management to teach the students the knowledge i have. in the university i will learn the professional knowledge and the communicating skills hard . i will travels many in my vacation to practice the hotel and touring management knowledge i have learnt.

My goal is to become a professor of hotel management professor. I have learned to impart the knowledge to others to realize their own social values.
At the university, I will strive to learn their professional knowledge, learning and skills with others, and use vacation time from tourism, and the hotel and tourism management.
Seize the opportunity to practice, practice personal knowledge

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