
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-26










형님 = Hyeong Nim

큰 형님 = Keun Hyeong Nim

맏형님 = Maat Hyeong Nim



Obtains the astonishing achievement along with the automated technology, it gradually is playing the key role in the industrial production and the scientific progress, the production process automation degree, has become the weight Industrial enterprise modernization level important symbol

this article to introduce one kind of water temperature intelligence controller's design, take the monolithic integrated circuit as a platform, uses series monolithic integrated circuit AT89C2051 to design a temperature control system, realizes the boiler water temperature intelligent control. The detailed introduction monolithic integrated circuit system hardware, the sensor electric circuit as well as software's design realized. This system uses the DS18B20 single track digit temperature sensor, the direct output digit temperature signal, is connected with the monolithic integrated circuit AT89C2051 connection, forms the water temperature control system, the structure is simple, and the manufacture cost is low.

14.2.2 。动态转化
动态转化运转一段时间之间的JVM请求为工人阶级和载货一班。动态转化,可发生于服务器作为特定客户要求的阶级,在一个中间代理,能变换班级,因为他们通过网络[ 17 ] ,或在负荷时间为班级进入JVM的。
此外,以确保每一个应用类支持某一特定功能,转型也可以限制,也保证不应用类使用禁忌特征。举例来说,一个限制性变压器可以限制进入到一个安全可靠的资源,由单纯不准任何代码,参考资源。变压器便可以安全地放入自己的通话资源。由于Java的类型安全,所有来电,资源有保证,以合法的。 (不过,看到讨论后,就思考) 。
这一约束限制了申请载荷-时间转型。举例来说,一个充满活力的变压器不能外,一般适用于优化需要跨过程分析(如叶片法去除) ,因为改造,可经营呼唤工地前匹配方法加载。变压器控制班级负荷秩序会改善的一般性的动态转化,但不会解决这个问题。为方法调用,其中变压器不能确定的运行时类型的对象,类将要求所有可能的后裔,那个对象,以确定安全性表示方法调用。目前规格的classfile不提供这方面的资料,并在总体上,新的子类,可动态地出现.





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