
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

我现在在美国做汽车零件 工程师,我们平时是这么用的,

1. Assembly SOP (Stardard Operation Procedure)/ Assembly Work Instruction

2. Discription of Operation (表格中就直接用 Discription)
3、Sequence Number of Operation (表格中就直接用 Op #)
4、Cycle Time
5、Tools (Machine)
6、Sub Components (Parts)
7、装配要点说明, 美国一般都规定程序,都是要点所以直接用 Operation Procedure
8、注意事项 Notes/ Caution
9、诊断床 (不知道你说的是不是检验设备?) Inspection Station
10、摄影床 (Picture Station) (是为了记录么)
11、高频机 (包装用的?High freguency plastic welder?)
12、控制台 Main Control/ Console
13、发生器 不知道是具体做什么的,但是 Generator 肯定是 发电机
14、编制 (Established By) (Est. By)
15、审核 (Checked By) (CH'K'D BY)
16、批准 (Approved By)


The untamed nature calls
Ba's gram is a resistant to cold dog, from the south rice of small life at San Francisco frequently the judge's home is protected by host, doter.Four wagers,such as the niuman of life, for the sake of compensate wager debt, sell Ba's gram to buy hand of selling dog in a night in, encounter a person afterwards to sell at third hand wild bitterness cold of the north is engaged in hard work, living a hard life from now on.Ba gram the change of the life, it master it in the world of the weak at the mercy of the strong how from protect with existence of method.However, the mulberry rescued it in the second host of Ba's gram.The affection of the mulberry and Ba's gram is very strong, after the mulberry is killed by the Indian, Ba's gram returns to revenge and bury him for him.Finally, Ba's gram returns to the bosom of great universe to embrace finally.
The life of Ba's gram stabilizes very originally, want also don't thought of oneself would does the flounder beg to save in the dogs?But it is very brave and strong, lead in the difficult day, never shrinking back.
At present the economic decline of society, make a lot of personages unemployed or is lowered salary by the employer but live according to of living, safe before of living no longer.Some people would also thought of a suicide to resolve a living problem, however there is certainly fortunate circumstances, adverse circumstances in the life, if give up own life, deserve in the adverse circumstances?The Ba gram still begs to save hard in the adverse circumstances, is not?
The spirit of Ba's gram deserves us to respect and admire really, it meets regardless what frustrates will rush to pass by bravely.However, at present some youth persons meet seldom of stroke, frustrate, again perhaps result, make friends to meet difficulty, will evade, some would even choose die to evade.These people is really stupid to arrive extremity.
The youth person is growing up road would meet frustrate, difficulty unavoidably, if so never to rise again, how go?The road of life sometimes such as the sea similar all is calm, sometimes but be filled with a big waves wave, have no a road of life isn't rugged uneven.
We want to know in the life to certainly be happiness, worry, Ba's gram also experienced numerous frustrates, but it 11 stepped over, end return to the bosom of great universe to embrace, so we also want to believe oneself's ability!

The untamed nature calls
Ba's gram is a resistant to cold dog, from the south rice of small life at San Francisco frequently the judge's home is protect, doted on by host.Four wagers,such as the manniu of life, sell Ba's gram to buy hand of selling dog in a night for compensating a wager debt in, encounter a person afterwards to sell at third hand wild bitterness cold of the north is engaged in hard work, living a hard life from now on.Ba gram the change of the life, it master it in the world of the weak at the mercy of the strong how from protect with existence of method.However, the mulberry rescued it in the second host of Ba's gram.The affection of the mulberry and Ba's gram is very strong, after the mulberry is killed by the Indian, Ba's gram returns to revenge and bury him for him.Finally, Ba's gram returns to the bosom of great universe to embrace finally.
The life of Ba's gram stabilizes very originally, want also don't thought of oneself would does the flounder beg to save in the dogs?But it is very brave and strong, 11 捱s lead in theAt present the economic decline of society, make a lot of personages unemployed or is lowered salary by the employer but live 拮 according to of living, safe before of living no longer.Some people would also thought of a suicide to resolve a living problem, however there is certainly fortunate circumstances, adverse circumstances in the life, if give up own life, deserve in the adverse circumstances?The Ba gram still begs to save hard in the adverse circumstances, is not?
The spirit of Ba's gram deserves us to respect and admire really, it meets regardless what frustrates will rush to pass by bravely.However, at present some youth persons meet seldom of stroke, frustrate, again perhaps result, make friends to meet difficulty, will evade, some would even choose die to evade.These people is really stupid to arrive extremity.
The youth person is growing up road would meet frustrate, difficulty unavoidably, if so never to rise again, how go?The road of life sometimes such as the sea similar all is calm, sometimes but be filled with a big waves 骇 wave, have no a road of life isn't rugged uneven.
We want to know in the life to certainly be happiness, worry, Ba's gram also experienced numerous frustrates, but it 11 stepped over, end return to the bosom of great universe to embrace, so we also want to believe oneself's ability! difficult day, never shrinking back.




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