
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

一般现在时 I eat an apple.
An apple is eaten by me.
一般过去时 I ate an apple yesterday.
An apple was eaten by me yesterday.
一般将来时,I will eat an apple tomorrow.
An apple will be eaten by me tomorrow.
过去将来时,He said he would eat an apple.
He said an apple would be eaten by him.
现在进行时,I am eating an apple.
An apple is being eaten by me.
过去进行时,I was eating an apple when my mum was cooking.
An apple was eaten by me when my mum was cooking.
现在完成时,I have already eaten an apple.
An apple has already eaten by me.
过去完成时 By the time he went home,I had already eat an apple.
By the time he went home,an apple had already eaten by me.

The Queen's last visit was in May, when she opened the new hospital.
女王上次来访是在五月份, 她那时主持了这座医院的落成典礼.
How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching television?
他们把所有的空闲时间都用来看电视了, 还能学什麽东西呢?
It was the sort of morning when everything goes wrong.
那天上午就是那样, 事事不顺心.

1. For this problem, your solution meets all the requirements.

2. Now, mobile phone have a number of uses including GPS, reading e- books, watching movie, and so on.

3. Their knowledge serves as a basis of futher research.

4. One may find it necessary to build a new school for the children in Sichuan.

5. It is important to understand the fact that nobody can be seccessful without effort.

6. The designs require the investor's surport.

7. It should be noted here that the growth of child needs an safe environment.

I feel I am competent to meet all the requirements.

Salt has a number of uses including flavour treating, cleaning cooker(炊具) and so on.

This picture serves as abasis of the fact.

One may find it necessary to protect our environment.

It is important to understand the fact that reform is the priority task.

Great designs require great consideration.

It should be noted here that smoking is forbidden.

(Best sishes to you and I believe your English will be better and better! )

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