
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

1. 这座桥大约有500米长。
The bridge is about 500 meters long.
2. 你愿意参加我的生日晚会吗?愿意。
Would you like to take part in my birthday party? Yes, I’d like to.
3. 在他50多岁时开始学英语。
He began to study English at the age of 50.
4. 云南的天气既不太冷也不太热。
The weather in YunNan is neither too hot nor too cold.
5. 他的父母都是地理老师。
Both of his parents are geography teachers.
10 Tom 不如我跳得高。
Tom doesn’t jump as high as me.
11 如果你能赶上头班车,你一定不会迟到。
You mustn’t be late if you can catch the first bus.
12 你的朋友一到这儿, 我就给你打电话。
I will call you as soon as your friend comes here.
13 当司机开车的时候,不要与他们谈话。
Don’t talk with the drivers when they are driving.
14 在你开始做练习之前,你应该反复地复习。
You should review again and again before you begin to do the exercise.
15 他每天吃过晚饭都出去散步。
He goes out for a walk after supper every day.
16 这个主意听起来不错,我们会好好考虑的。
The idea sounds very good, we will think it over.
17 展出的小汽车都是中国制造的。
The cars on show are all made in China.
18 我的自行车已经坏了,它再也走不动了。
My bike is broken, it doesn’t work any more.
19 上周日上午九点到11点你一直在玩电脑游戏吗?
Were you playing computer games from 9to11 last Sunday morning?
20 她说下个月电视上将有一场精彩的足球比赛。
She said there would be an exciting football match on TV the next month.
21 昨天苹果很便宜,所以我买了很多。
The apples were very cheap yesterday, so I bought a lot.
22 孩子们已经走了两个多小时了,他们得停下来休息了。
The children have walked for more than 2hours, they have to stop to have a rest.
23 保持环境清洁是我们每一个人的责任。
Keeping our environment clean is everyone’s duty.
24 李先生经常在学习上帮助我。
Mr.Li often helps me with my study.
25 老师总是告诉我们要每天说英语。
The teacher always tells us to speak English every day.
26 我认为两个答案都不对。
I think neither of the answers is right.
27 当老师走进教室时,学生们立刻停止了谈话。
The students stopped talking at once when the teacher came into the classroom.
28 你们昨天花了多长时间写完作业的?
How long did it take you to finish writing your homework yesterday.
29 这个故事和那个故事一样有趣。
This story is as interesting as that one.
30 昨晚,那部电影直到晚上10点才开始。
Last night, that film didn’t begin until 10 o’clock.
31 你最好多读一些有关科学方面的书。
You’d better read more books on science.
32 雨一停,我们就去放风筝。
We will go to fly the kites as soon as the rain stops.
33 天气如此热,以致于我们都去游泳了。
The weather is so hot that we all go swimming.
34 感谢你对我日语方面的帮助。
Thank you for me with my Japanese.
35 他昨天晚上花了半个小时时间为他的父母做了一顿晚饭。
It took him half an hour to cook a supper for his parents.
36 昨天直到雨停了孩子们才离开学校。
The children didn’t leave school until the rain stopped.
37 前天Jack花了十元钱买了那本故事书。
Jack spent 10 yuan buying that story book the day before yesterday.
38 你能告诉我现在几点了吗?
Can you tell me what time it is now?
39 他太弱了搬不动那张重桌子。
He is too weak to carry that heavy table.
40 到20 世纪初,世界人口大约为17亿。
The population of the world is about 1.7 million.
41 我们应该阻止别人吸烟。
We should stop others from smoking.
42 孩子们不知道怎样把那个风筝从树上取下来。
The children don’t know how to get the kites from the tree.
43 躺在床上看书对我们的眼睛非常不好。
Reading in bed is very bad for our eyes.
44 我们的祖国是在1949年建立的。
Our country was built in 1949.
45 如果你不努力学习,你就将落后于其它同学。
If you don’t study hard, you will fall behind others.
46 这个七岁的小女孩如此地喜欢弹钢琴,以致于她都坚持练琴两年多了。
The 7-year-old girl likes playing the piano so much that she has kept practicing for more than two years.
47 你一到上海就给我打个电话好吗?
Please call me as soon as you get to Shanghai.
48 我们将尽我们最大的努力阻止人们去砍伐树木。
We will try our best to stop people from cutting trees.
49 为什么不早点来学校呢?
Why not come to school earlier?
50 嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。
Laughing at others is not polite.
51 你认为你们今天能完成这项工作吗?
Do you think you can finish this work today?
52 他昨天问我下周是否有空儿?
He asks me if I was free the next week.
53 每天多喝水对我们的健康非常有好处。
Drinking more water everyday is good for our health.
54 你能告诉我怎样到达超市吗?
Can you tell me how to get to the supermarket?
55 这个周末我们一起去游泳好吗?
How about going swimming this weekend?
56 我有很长时间没有收到我最好朋友的来信了。
I haven’t heard from my best friends for a long time.
57 当他听到这个好消息时,激动地说不出话来。
He was too excited to say a word when he heard the good news.
58 不要忘了一天服三次药。
Don’t forget to take the medicine three times a day.
59 快点,否则你会错过这趟车。
Hurry up, or you will miss that bus.
60 杨利伟不仅是中国人的骄傲,而且是世界人民的骄傲。
Yang Liwei is not only the pride of the China but also the pride of the World.
61 老师们在尽力阻止学生玩电脑游戏。
The teachers are trying their best to stop the students from playing the computer games.
62 这架照相机太旧了,不能用了。
The camera is too old to use it.
63 外面雨下得很大,你最好呆在家里。
It is raining outside, you’d better stay at home.
64 刘翔和姚名明一样闻名全国。
Liu Xiang is as famous as Yao Ming all over the country.
65 我今天没时间去看望他们。明天怎么样?
I have no time to visit them. How about tomorrow?
66 他虽然只是一个7岁的孩子,但是英语说得非常好。
Though he is a 7-year-old child, he can speak English very well.
67 他们一到这,我就把这个好消息告诉他们。
I will tell them the good news as soon as they come here.
68 他们每天花半小时进行体育锻炼。
It takes them half an hour to do sports every day.
69 他太小了,自己不能去坐公共汽车。
He is too small to catch the bus by himself.
70 这孩子长得如此快,几乎和他的爸爸一样高了。
The child grows very fast, he is almost as tall as his father.
71 要了解世界,你既可以看报纸也可以看电视。
If you want to learn the world, you either read newspaper or watch TV.
72 这个女孩上学期在她的功课上花了很多时间。
The little girl spent a lot of time on his lessons last week.
73 我的妈妈过去打排球,但她现在对足球非常感兴趣。
My mother used to play volleyball, but now she is interested in football.
74 我们都认为他是班里最细心的学生之一。
We all think he is one of the most careful students in his class.
75 天气真好!为什么不和我们出去散步呢?
How nice the weather is! Why not go out for a walk with us?
76 你把这本书递给那个小姑娘好吗?
Will you pass the book to that little firls?
77 他今天感冒了,我想他明天将不会来开会。
He catches a cold today, I don’t think he will come to have the meeting tomorrow.
78 你能停下来帮我算出这道数学题吗?
Can you stop to help me work out that math problem?
79 请不要让我们等你很长时间。
Don’t keep us waiting for you for a long time.
80 这个小女孩已经10 多岁了,但她既不会读书也不会写字。
The little girl is 10 years old, but she can neither read nor write.
81 爸爸昨天直到午夜才回来。
Father didn’t come back until midnight yesterday.
82 当你写作业的时候,最好不要听收音机。
When you do your homework, you’d better not listen to the radio.
83 昨天警察直到找到那个丢失的孩子才回家。
The policeman didn’t go home until he found that lost child yesterday.
84 直到为考试做好了准备Lucy才休息。
Lucy didn’t have a rest until she got ready for the exams.
85 请你一到学校就把书还给我好吗?
Will you please return the book to me as soon as you come to school?
86 在大城市找到一份好工作很不容易。
It’s not easy to find a good job in big cities.
87 如果明天不下雨,我们就去爬山。
We will climb the mountains if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.
88 你们看起来很疲劳,最好休息一下。
You look very tired, you’d better have a good rest.
89 天太黑了,他很难找到回家的路。
It’s very dark, it’s very hard to find the way home.
90 他每天做作业大约要用两个小时吗?
Does it take him about two hours to do his homework every day?
91 在我回家的路上,我看见一个小女孩在路上哭。
On my way home, I saw a little girl crying in the street.
92 这个房间有15米长,10米宽,3米高。
The room is 15meters long, 10meterswide, 3meters high.
93 直到老师走进教室,学生们才停止说话。
The students didn’t stop talking until the teacher came into the classroom.
94 看!初三的学生们正忙着为考试做准备。
Look! The students of Grade3 are busy getting ready for the exams.
95 这些红花和那些兰色的花一样漂亮。
These red flowers are as beautiful as those blue ones.
96 警察告诉孩子们不要在街上玩。
The policeman told the children not to play in the street.
97 Tom 敲门的时候,妈妈正在做晚饭。
Mother was cooking when Tom knocked at the door.
98 如果你不努力学习,你考试就会不及格。
If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the exam.
99 学好一门外语是非常重要的。
It’s very important to learn a foreign language.
100 我哥哥已经到北京三年多了。
My brother has been in Beijing for more than 3 years.
101 我不知道明天是否有风。
I don’t know if it will be windy tomorrow.
102 二百多工人用了三年的时间建成了这座大桥。
It took more than two hundred workers three years to build this big bridge.
103 这本书你借了多长时间了?
How long have you kept this book?
104 你知道谁是你们班最好的学生吗?
Do you know who is the best student in your class?
105 快点,电影已经开演了两分钟了。
Hurry up, the film has already been on for two minutes.
106 他已经买这部小汽车两年多了。
He has already had the car for more than two years.
107 昨天他一到教室,就开始上课了。
The class began as soon as he got to the classroom.
108 房间里很热,为什么不把外衣脱了呢?
It is very hot in the room, why not take off your coat?
109 你们看起来很疲劳,请你们听下来休息一下好吗?
You look very tired, will you please stop to have a rest?
110 对于我们来说在两个小时内完成这项工作太难了。
It’s very difficult for us to finish the work in two hours.
111 我不知道Tom是否来开会。如果他来,我会告诉你的。
I don’t know if Tom will come to have the meeting. If he comes, I will tell you.
112 你知道李先生住在哪一栋楼吗?
Do you know which building Mr. Li lives?
113 颐和园是北京最美的公园之一。
The Summer Palace is one of the most beautiful parks in Beijing.
114 在床上看书对眼睛有害。
It’s bad for your eyes to read in bed.
115 如果明天不下雨,我们就去长城。
If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the Great Wall.
116 你能告诉我们怎样种树吗?
Can you tell me how to plant trees?
117 当你不能算出这些题时,为什么不去问老师呢?
When you can’t work out these problems, Why not ask your teachers?
118 他几乎在这没儿有朋友,对吗?
He hardly has friends here, does he?
119 我渴了。请给我一杯茶好吗?
I’m thirsty. Will you please pass me a cup of tea?
In order to learn English well, we should do more reading on English.
160. 这个小男孩有麻烦了,他正在寻求帮助。
The little boy is in trouble, he is looking for help now.
161. 北京以长城,颐和园而闻名。
Beijing is famous for the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.
162. 我的爱好是养小动物,但是有些女孩子怕它们。
My hobby is feeding the small animals, but some girls are afraid of them.
163. 他的父母很高兴他在考试中取得了很大的进步。
His parents are very glad that he can make a lot of progress in the exam.
164. 劳驾,你能给我指一下去北京动物园的路吗?
Excuse me, can you show me the way to the Beijing Zoo?
My parents bought me a computer on my birthday last year, I liked it very much.
Would you mind passing me that physics book?
The students are busy getting ready for the final exam.
Please don’t be busy preparing supper for me, I am not hungry.
I don’t think he will make such a serious mistake for ever.
It’s a very good idea to go swimming in Summer.
The changjiang River is the third longest river in the world.
I study at a very good school, it looks like a big beautiful garden.
Spring is coming, it’s time to plant trees.
His uncle likes playing volleyball, but he likes playing the piano.
In the past, the boss made the workers work more than 10 hours a day.
Mr. Wang comes from the north of China, he doesn’t like eating rice at all.
There are going to be two matches on TV next Saturday, one is a basketball match, the other is football match.
Look! The people are planting trees on the mountain, some are digging the holes, some are carrying the water, others are watering the trees.
I can hear that young man singing in the next room everyday.
She is such a good girl that everyone likes her.
You’d better take some money and an umbrella with you when you go out.
The more you read, the more you can get the knowledge.
There was something wrong with my eyes, I couldn’t see anything clearly.
Why not drive your car today? What’s wrong with your car?

YaoMing is one of the famous basketball players in the world.
2.In modern history, people's lives become increasingly better.
3. I hear about Lily always goes to the library every Friday.
4. He was falling down on the floor at the time.
5. I had fun on the school trip.
6. My sister asks me to open the door.
7. Tom stops playing the piano. Because her mother asks him to take a bath.
8.I walk in to the library in silence.
9. The car accident took place near my aunt's house.
10. I dream that my mother buys me a new computer in more recent times.
11. They are not all students. Some of them are teachers
12. He is as tall as you.
13. The rocket goes into space.
14. I want to travel all over the world.
My mother is going to take me to the doctor's tomorrow.
I can't go out until I finish all my work.
Three of us can fit into this car no problem.
He works really well under pressure.
They are complaining about the test tomorrow.
Her parents is always pushing her to do better.
My father likes to compare me with my older brother.
It's hard to have absolute freedom.
You need to relax after such a long day of hard work.
I will call you back as soon as possible.
I'm busy enough doing my homework.我做作业已经很忙了。
2、Please take the book to the right position.请将书放在正确的位置。
3、I won't go to bed until my mom comes back.在妈妈回来之前我是不会去睡觉的。
4、It's time for class.该上课了。
5、It's time to get up.该起床了。
6、She always complain about her noisy sister.她总是抱怨她吵闹的妹妹。
7、I fit 3 hours into my study .我给我的学习安排三小时的时间。
8.He tried to do his homework as much as possible.他努力地做尽可能多的作业。
9.He often put himself under pressure.他总是使自己有很大的压力。
10.She enjoys to take part in the party.她喜欢参加聚会。
11.The theef was seen steeling money.小偷被看到正在偷钱。
12.Please send the letter to him.请把这封信给他
13.There are all kinds of cloths in the shop,商店里有各种各样的衣服。
14.Compared with Beijing,the history of Qingdao is much shorter.与北京的历史相比,青岛的历史要短很多。
15.He found it's hard to catch up her.他发现很难赶上她。
16.On the one hand,we should improve our grades,on the other hand,hands-on ability is also important.一方面,我们应该提高我们的成绩,另一方面,动手能力也很重要。

1. did you get long hair before?
2. there was only one library in pur city
3. Willia was really afraid of the dark, wasn't he?
4. he was interested in music
5.Scott liked eating candy while he likes chewing gum
6.he asks me whether Marcia lived in Toronto

1 My English teacher teaches very well, and I want to be a person like her/him.
2 If I became an English teacher, I will try my best to make every student a good student.
3 I will be nice and friendly to my students, and play with them after class.

1 we have been here for 5 years
2 they have been here since 3 hours ago
3 this party has been on for 3 hours
4 mr lee has been a teacher fot 5 years
5 li lei has kept my book for 3 days

1.How long have you been skating?
2.I have been skating since I was 5 years old.
3.How long did you skate just now?
4.I skated for 3 hours.
5.The skating marathon has been going for five hours.
6.I want to collect them bacause they are interesting.
7.He has been collecting kites since he was 10 years old.
8.Thanks for sending me de snow globe of the monster.
9.We have run out of the room to store them .
10.I am interested in this job as a writer

He is good at basketball.
2你不介意我在这儿住两天吗? 不,不介意。
Do you mind my staying here for two days? No, of course not.
Would you please not smoking here?
sorry, I will go to someplace else/
let's practise.
Your room is always so untidy.
would you mind cleaning your room?
could you serve the food soon?
sorry, i'm late for school.
It dosen't matter, sit down.
Does he often surf the internet ?No,he surf the internet once a mouth.
My mother hardly ever see/watch the film/movie.
They sometimes do some English exercise on the monring.
14吉姆很喜欢滑板运动。他每周去做3次滑板运动。Jim like skateboard very much.He plays it 3 times a week.
it is good for you to read the notebook everyday
It many not be easy to talk it,but you can practise it in font of a mirror.
17当你从镜子中看到你自己时,想一想一张笑脸与一张不高兴的脸以及一张生气的脸之间的区别When you look at yourself in the mirror,think about the difference between a smiling face and an unhappy or an angry face
How many times does Jack practice? He practice twice a week.
Does your mother go to Hong Kong three times? No,she go to Hong Kong once a year.
20他们不是每天购物一次They don't go shopping every day.

I went to...the park to have a walk. 我去公园散步
My father and mother went for a walk爸爸妈妈去散步了。

1 I will go to park tomorrow.
2 I didn't eat lunch yesterday.
3 It is raining now.
4 Why not you come?
5 How strong you are!
6 There is a river.
7 It is safe.
8 I miss you.
9 What can I do for you?
10 Can I help you?
11 How do you do?
12 I am glad to see you.
13 You are too kind for me.
14 You need to work hard.
15 Bye Bye.
16 Thank you.


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  • 我想要一些有教育意义的初二的英语小短文 最好在四分钟以内就可以说完...
  • 帮忙翻译几个初二的英语句子,急求回答~~~
    答:1.Lily和Lucy之间有什么不同?What is the difference between Lily and Lucy?2.她作业比我做的好多了。She does her homework much better than me.3.对不起,让你等我这么长时间(用keep sb)I am Sorry, keep you waiting me so long time.4.我不知道做什么,所以我想向老师寻求建议(用...