
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

1there is no doubt that enough concern most be paid to the problem( immediately)
2obviously ,( even) if we want to do sth ( fast ), it is essential that ( we do it right )
3only in this way can we( succeed )
4obviously ,if we don't control the problem , the chances are that( problem) will lead us in danger.

*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】

She had a fit of the giggles.她咯咯地笑了一阵。
You must break away from such bad habits.你必须革除这样的坏习惯。
Can the flower that break off still live again?折断的花还能再活吗?
The war broke out in 1964.战争于1964年爆发。
Having heard the news,we all burst out crying.听了那个消息,我们都突然哭了。
Whenever I write a poem these words always cross my mind.在我写诗的时候,这些话常闪掠过我的心头。
Sometimes the simple things will jump out at you.有时候,简单的事情突然来到你面前。
Thanks for picking me up on short notice.谢谢在很短的时间内接我。
When i popped out,they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl.当我出生时,他们最后决定他们想要一个女孩。
The wheat is beginning to spring up .小麦正开始迅速生长。


1.We are supposed to be abosrbed in studying.(我们应该把心思集中在学习上)
2.I stayed up last night.(我昨晚熬夜了)
3.I can't wait to see her.(我迫不及待想看到她)
4.The result is better than expected.(结果比预想的要好)
5.Let's go out for a walk.(我们出去走走吧)
6.Don't mix up these books.(不要把这些书本弄混了)
7.She looked after a boy,as though he was her son.(她照顾一个男孩,好像男孩是她儿子一样)
8.I ran out like crazy.(我拼命地跑出去)
9.I told him answers on the form of cellphone messages.(我用手机短信的形式告诉他答案)
10.I act like a writer when i write logs.(我在写日志的时候,表现得像一位作家)
11.She was very hard on me.(她对我非常严格)
12.I think going to net bar is a waste of time.(我认为去网吧是一种时间浪费)
13.We shouldn't be rude to others.(我们不能对他人粗鲁)
14.We should make a difference between friendship and love.(我们应该区别友谊和爱情)
15.I don't go to net bar anymore.(我再也不去网吧了)
16.Afer all,she is just a kid.(毕竟,她只是一个小孩子)
17.He insisted on staying at home.(他坚持呆在家里)
18.She has three books at present.(她目前有两本书)
19.He still didn't turn up.(他还是没有出现)
20.We can't let him go unpunished.(我们不行让他逍遥法外)

1.We are supposed to be there at six.
2.She stayed up reading until midnight.
3.I can't wait to meet you and your boss.
4.My trip took me longer than I expected.
5.We should go out for a walk after supper.
6.Mix the honey and the milk up.
7.he talked as though he knew everything.
8.I apologize like crazy.
9.A teacher is standing in the front of the classroom
10.You're starting to act like me, and it's really giving me a headache.
11.Don't be too hard on yourself。
12.It's a waste of time to play computer games.
13.We should be polite and don't be rude to others.
14.The fact that I can now organize my own time makes a big difference.
15.I didn't live there anymore.
16.You shouldn't ask him to carry the big case.After all he is only ten.
17.They inisited on climbing up the mountain.
18.There is no way at present of coping with waste products.
19.Something unexpected has turned up.
20.Acid attacks on the rise in Uganda as assailants go unpunished.

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