
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

I must take my leave. 我一定要离开了
I must leave for school. 我一定要离开去学校了

Let's get on with the work. 继续工作吧。
Get on with your work. 继续你的工作吧。

I am going to arrive in black. 我将会穿着黑衣服到达
He is going to arrive in five minutes. 他将会在五分钟内到达。

You have to work. 你要工作。
I have to sleep. 我要睡觉。

I want to take a trip to Greece. 我想去希腊。
She wants to take a trip to the toilet. 她想上厕所。

the shoes feel comfortable(comfortable舒适的) the hamburger taste delicious(delicious美味的) the fish smell fresh(fresh新鲜的) that sounds great(great棒的,伟大的) the weather are hot in Beijing(hot热的) I feel nervous when I on she stage(nervous紧张的) the sweater looks nice(nice好) the sounds noisy in the classroom(noisy吵闹的) I feel quiet in the room(quiet安静的)
I look at the round on the paper(round圆的,圆形) I look at the man,he is very strong(strong强壮的)
the candy taste sweet

1. Spring is coming soon.
2. I would prefer winter if compared with antumn.
3. Summer is so hot, I don't like it.
4. The weather is so good today.
5. Climate is the average and variations of weather in a region over long periods of time.
6. It was a pleasant lunch
7. I love my own country.
8. I went into a shop in Greece.

1.Spring is a beautiful season.
2.Winter will come after antunm.
3.I like to go to swimming in the river in the summer.
4.Weather in Sichuan province is very confortable.
5.Different countries have different weather .
6.What a pleasant day it is!
7.Country consists of many provinces.
8.greece is the first place to hold Olympic Games.

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    答:I am going to arrive in black. 我将会穿着黑衣服到达 He is going to arrive in five minutes. 他将会在五分钟内到达。You have to work. 你要工作。I have to sleep. 我要睡觉。I want to take a trip to Greece. 我想去希腊。She wants to take a trip to the toilet. 她想上...
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