
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06



Let us jointly greet the advent of the Year 2010.

Today,the performance is accompanied by the Disclosure Ceremony of 2009 School News.

Today,along with the performance, we will unveil the Top 10 School News 2009.

Announcement of a Top 10 School News 2009 --- The 5th Anniversary Celebration is successfully held.

The school campus is taking on an ever-bright look.

Fabulous square performance, rich and varied entertainments, success in holding the 3rd School Sports Game.

We are honored the Excellent Teaching Units in Comply with Laws by the Education Department of xxxx Province.

Innovation in education, self-directed learning and the Plan for Instructing Straight-A Students.

The campus-based textbooks are compiled into volums.

Our school shouldered the subject study under the 11th Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Education.

Establishing friendly relationship with *** School and sending our teachers to their school to help teaching.

The School Party Branch has set up.

We are making a concerted effort to combat the H1N1.

At the dawn of the new year, let's make this wish -- Tomorrow will be even better.

We wish the teachers good health and happy families. We wish the students a better achievement in their study and a life of happiness and prosperity.

1, UFIDA apparel industry R & D Center

2, Quanzhou Bao Chau Road Building, 19th floor, north side of Bandag

Help me put these two words translated into English to be printed on business cards on

Answers within 2 hours to the sub, well, it would add points. Thanks!

1 / affirmed in our school ranked first on the basis of consensus, we are pressing ahead with efforts to
2 / As we all know, Chinese astronaut in space, a space walk
3 / I think his all-white hair and a very strange
4 / He said that many of you have done nothing to do with
5 / It is widely held that China's college entrance examination is convincing
6 / It is clear that China's Olympics have been held all over the world surely
7 / I think of all of a sudden Qiuyou next week to be a good idea
8 / China so that the sector is well known for the great Chinese culture
9 / I was most surprised that he was not invited to self -
10 / break the law any person who should be punished
11, said that what I do not believe in
12'd like it to any person
13 Do you like any of it to the people
14, I happened to see him at that time is money banks
The news of 15 health care reform next year to begin
16 due to the fact that it rained outside, we had no choice but to stay at home (appositive clause)
Although the actual age of 17 he is not, but he learned? (Appositive clause)
18 I have a feeling that one day he will be successful
19 people to boycott the news quickly spread throughout the milk in town
20, was finally realized we are hopeful
21 The question is whether they can afford to buy such expensive houses
22 China today is no longer look like the past
23 This is where the differences between the two of us


I think his entirly whitened hair looks very strange.

1 / affirmed in our school ranked first on the basis of consensus, we are pressing ahead with efforts to
2 / As we all know, Chinese astronaut in space, a space walk
3 / I think his all-white hair and a very strange
4 / He said that many of you have done nothing to do with
5 / It is widely held that China's college entrance examination is convincing
6 / It is clear that China's Olympics have been held all over the world surely
7 / I think of all of a sudden Qiuyou next week to be a good idea
8 / China so that the sector is well known for the great Chinese culture
9 / I was most surprised that he was not invited to self -
10 / break the law any person who should be punished
11, said that what I do not believe in
12'd like it to any person
13 Do you like any of it to the people
14, I happened to see him at that time is money banks
The news of 15 health care reform next year to begin
16 due to the fact that it rained outside, we had no choice but to stay at home (appositive clause)
Although the actual age of 17 he is not, but he learned? (Appositive clause)
18 I have a feeling that one day he will be successful
19 people to boycott the news quickly spread throughout the milk in town
20, was finally realized we are hopeful
21 The question is whether they can afford to buy such expensive houses
22 China today is no longer look like the past
23 This is where the differences between the two of us

大哥 你的悬赏分是0啊

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