请英语口语好的朋友进来帮我翻译下这段对话 考试要用 谢谢~!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

1.I like pop and jazz.When I hear your song,I find your voice very beautiful,and the performance is perfect.
2.I met your music teacher before,and she said that you are excellent when she talked about you.
3.I want to know what subbjects do you have when you study in your school?Are the most of lessons taught in individual or pubilc?
4.Is there any chances that you can perform?Whether there is an opportunity to take part in some concert?
5.I am much eager to have the opportunity to study in your school.


Thinh: 你好 Jim: 哦,嗨! Thinh:请允许我介绍我自己。我的名字是Thinh Nguyen 。这是我的妻子,Lan Quong jim:很高兴见到你。我的名字是Jim Peters。你是刚搬到隔壁? Lan: 是的,我们刚搬来。你在这里住多久? Jim: 我?我想是。我住在这里已经6年了。你在美国住了很久了吗? Thinh:不。不真正地。当我们离开了越南并且来了到美国我们与一个表兄弟在达拉斯居住2年。您在哪里工作,吉姆? Jim:我在柳树泉社区学院教数学。你现在做什么? Thinh: 我是技工在联盟的柴油。 我修理卡车引擎 Jim:你呢 , Lan? Lan: 我在 Whitfield County 医院当护士助手 Jim: 好的, Thinh and Lan, 很高心认识你们. 我要先走了. 我今晚要教一堂课,我现在需要去学校 Thinh: 我也很高心认识你 Jim. Lan: 是的,很高心认识你 Jim: 再见 Thinh and Lan再见, Jim!

1.Hello. Can we have a talk?
1.Where are you from?
2.Xin Jiang. What about you?
1.I'm from Fujian.
2.Oh, that's really far away.
1.yeah...How old are you?
2.I'm 19, and you?
1.Me too! when is your birthday?
1. Older than me. Mine is 6th, August
2.yes. haha
2.What do you usually do online?
1.Playing games. do you play games?
2.Sure! Everyday!
1.What kind of games?
2.online games.
1.Oh, I like stand alone games
My friends are waiting for me to join the game. Catch you next time. bye
2.OK. bye

I am very poor English spoken but then they want to test for a super-simple to deal with the test so I hope that my friends helped me translate the translation under the simpler the better ~ Thank you!
1: Hello, can you talk about?
2: Yes, certainly
1: Where are you from ah?
2: Xinjiang, and you?
1: I am in Fujian
2: far from the truth ah
1: Yes, ah
1: How old are you?
2:19-year-old you?
1: I have 19-ah! Your birthday is, a few?
2:3 5
1: I was then than I am of August 6
2: Oh it is
1: Ha ha
2: What do you have Internet access?
1: Play the game, you play it?
2: Wana, playing every day
1: What are playing games ah?
2: Online Game
1: Oh, I like to play a single game
1: a friend told me to go to the next game chat bye
2: All right, bye

1: Hello, can you talk about?
2: Yes, certainly
1: Where are you from ah?
2: Xinjiang, and you?
1: I am in Fujian
2: far from the truth ah
1: Yes, ah
1: How old are you?
2:19-year-old you?
1: I have 19-ah! Your birthday is, a few?
2:3 5
1: I was then than I am of August 6
2: Oh it is
1: Ha ha
2: What do you have Internet access?
1: Play the game, you play it?
2: Wana, playing every day
1: What are playing games ah?
2: Online Game
1: Oh, I like to play a single game
1: a friend told me to go to the next game chat bye
2: All right, bye

1: You are good, may chat? 2: Certainly may 1: Where person are you? 2: Xinjiang, you? 1: I am Fujian's 2: To really far 1: Yes 1: Your was this year big? 2:19 year-old you? 1: My also 19 ~! How many numbers is your birthday? 2: On March 5 1: Is bigger than I me is August 6 2: Yes ha-ha 1: Ha-ha 2: What do you access the net to make? 1: Plays the game, you play the game? 2: Plays, is playing 1 daily: What plays to play? 2: The network plays 1: Oh, I like playing the single plane to play 1: The friend will be called me to play will chat next time bye-bye 2: Good, bye-bye

Hello, can you talk about? = 你好,可以聊聊吗?


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