
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

1.I've find some apartments from reliable source that meet your demand.
2.I'm a bit tried today. I was very busy and i still have a part-time job to do tonight.
3.Sorry i must work this weekend, how about we go out next weekend, ok?

1.The future will ultimately belongs to the past.
2.The past will never change.
3.The moon will eventually disappear in the morning.(应该是消失在早晨才对嘛,除非是形容主次的)
4.I use my finger to measure the height of the sky.
5.Emperor, you remember the daming lake Rong nurse?(貌似嬷嬷是用nurse的,不过翻译这个 你想干嘛呢)

So sweetie, I've sank in your pretty/charming smiles!
How incredible your smiles are!
What you gotta do? Didn't we have a admirable relationships?
You've made me sick! Look how many suck things you've done to me!
Are you gonna know something till the whole world being destroyed?
So you mean it's easy for me? Oh, my God! You even have no sense of how hard I've tried to be here and how many times I just gonna kill myself when I suffered so much!

If you expect to make your sentence more oral, you just have to say some words like" gotta\ gonna\ wanna\ hey\ sweetie\ so\ such.....

嗯。。。。最好将所有的 想要 的词都换成 wanna gotta gonna之类的。。。。然后,把句子变长些,多加些可以让句子更幽默或者形象的形容词,说的时候,语速快些。。。。

对了,虽然,美国人在口语中喜欢用you know,但是,一般都是在心情不错的时候,在令人愉快的对话里面用到。像楼主给的这些,都不是那么适合了。。。

you know.i love your chaming smile so much!
your smile is so attractive!
what do you want to do? we've always been good,yeah?
i've got enough.have you ever been good to me?
at what time can you know some thing?till the end of the world?
i got every thing that easily? do you know how many hardships i have suffered to get today's life?

Do you know,I was really to be keen on death you this fascinating smiling expression!
Your laugh is really fascinating want to die!
I was really reached you,you have to me and go well!
When are you sensible?Perhaps need when world exterminate!
I am easy,I can have for today I wipe out more or less you know the hardship!

Do you know that, I almost die when everytime you smiling!
Your smiling killed me,God!
So what's you want now? It's so nice until one second before!
Oh my God, did you look upon me your kid?
When you can understand that, that the moon does not shine fou you only? Maybe, when it's gone?
What I can do, how easy was me?! Do you know how many sweets I left to others for today? I got only hard!

1 you kown, i'm drown in your charming smile

2 you have totally killer smile
3 what's up, we have been good?
4 it's enough, have you been nice to me?
4 when could u be more sensible, till the end of the world
5 you kown, am i at ease, i have been suffering so much to get these

Do you know that,I was really to be keen on death you this fascinating smiling expression!
Your smiling killed me,God!
So what's you want now? It's so nice until one second before!
Oh my God, did you look upon me your kid?
When you can understand that, that the moon does not shine fou you only? Maybe, when it's gone?
What I can do, how easy was me?!

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