
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Your toy looks quite exquisite,what's it made from?
或者Your toy looks quite delicate,what's it made from?

Your toy looks quite delicate,could you please tell me what it is made from?也是可以的。


I've requested to the website to change my score on you. What you need to do is just to assent to this, and my original score would be altered to a "GOOD". I bet you know that a new seller would be greatly influenced by a "MIDDLE" level score. I do hope that you could understand.

By the reason of testing our food for everybody in the whole around the world
We made a new kind of vacuum-packed food specilly,
And also it was offered by wholesale and retail to export service.
I couldn't organize my world as well in Chinese also.
It is the general meaning like that.
Please help me organize it first and then translate it to English.
Thank you everyone!

In order to let foreign friends taste our products, we made vacuum-packed food and offer wholesale and retail export.

For enable foreign friends taste our products, we make vacuum packages of food and provide retail and export in mass.

Considering that our foreign friends can have a try on our products,we specially make a type of food in vacuum-packed and sell in retail and whole

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