
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Happy New Year. We appreciate our happy cooperation this year. And we wish you a prosperous business and we hope we can continue our happy cooperation next year.

Wish you more success in the coming year!
Wish you greater luck in your career next year!

Engaged in cargo handling, lighterage, storage management and other licensed businesses in Hong Kong (或within the port area)



1 But I don't know your gender, your nationality. I'd like to learn more about you.
2 From your letter I know that there is still much that I need to learn from you.
3 I like to make surprises for others.

1. but I do not know your gender, your nationality. I want to know more about you 2 .we can see from your letter I have a lot from your body
3. I want everyone to create surprise

but i don't your sex, your nationality and i prefer to know you.
From your letter, i find that there are things i need to learn with you so much

1、But I don't know your gender, your nationality. I want to know more about you
2.From your letter can see that I still have a lot to learn from you
3.I like to make oneself a surprise

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