
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11


Q: Do Chinese eat dogs?
A: Yes.We eat a lot of dogs. And cats,too. Especially on your "Thanks giving" day. Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets. We regard turkeys as human's best friends. In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys.
Q 中国人吃狗肉吗?
A 是的,吃狗肉,还有猫肉。尤其在西方人的感恩节时。此外,火鸡是我们喜欢的宠物,我们把火鸡看作人类最好的朋友。在中国只有受教育很差的人吃火鸡。
Q: China is becoming strong. Does your government want to take over the world?
A: Yes, absolutely. As soon as we become powerful, we will invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
Q 中国已经强大了。你们政府想要占领全世界吗?
A 是的,绝对是的。一旦我们强大了,我们会入侵伊拉克和阿富汗。
Q: Why doesn't your government give Tibet back to its monks?
A: Because the monks want to help the Seminoles take back Florida.
注:Seminoles (印第安人的)塞米诺尔族
Q 为什么那们政府把西藏交给了和尚?
A 因为和尚希望帮助塞米诺尔族人夺回佛罗里达。
Q: Are the products made in China very cheap?
A: Yes. Were we using black slaves, the price would be even cheaper.
Q 中国产品价格很低?
A 是的,假如我们使用黑奴的话,价格会更低的。
Q: You have 1.4 billion people. Now what do you want to do with it?
A: Find a new planet. Kill the native people there, and move in.
Q 你们现在有十四亿人口,这么多人,你们那它怎么办呢?
A 寻找一颗新的行星,消灭当地人,然后移居到那里。
Q: Why you are the only kids in your family?
A: Because our parents don't fuck around.
Q 为什么在你们家里只有一个孩子?
A 因为我们的父母不到外面胡闹。

There is a patient in Neurology Hospital who always dressed in black, with a black umbrella, squatting neurology hospital entrance. The doctor think: "to heal him, must from understanding he began. "

So the doctor was also wearing black clothes, holding a black umbrella, and he squat down together over there.

Two people utter not a single word stayed a month.

The man finally talk to talk with the doctor:" excuse me ... You, is a mushroom!? "
请参考:百度在线翻译 金三词霸 搜狗翻译器

The funny farm has a person, every day wear black clothes, with a black umbrella, squat down in the funny farm doorway. The doctor think: "will heal him, must know he started from."
Then the doctor also wear black clothes, with a black umbrella, and he squat down in there together.
Two people of the squat down of a month.
The man finally openings and the doctor talked: "excuse me... you, is also mushroom!?"


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