
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

1.Was born in the United States in 1880, she was born 19 months after the illness has not learn to speak on the vision and hearing loss.
2.Her teacher in her seven-year-old Mrs.Anne Sullivan came to her side, opened her early education
3.The help of the teacher, she completed a university education, learn typing, proficient in French and German.
4.Her life-long commitment to the blind, deaf-mute international services for persons with disabilities.
5.Her autobiography (autobiography) The Story Of My Life has inspired people around the world.




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Good morning/afternoon/evening(自己根据上课时间挑一个,或者干脆就Hello),everyone.Class begins,and who knows what we are going to talk about today?
2:没人知道吗? No one knows?(上扬声调)
ok(well),I‘ll offer you some tips to help you think about it.
How often do you watch TV?and how many programs on TV do you know?
Next,I'll play some music,let's see where it's from.OK?(上扬声调,问)
OK(降调,表示播放暂停),what about this piece?Anyone knows?let me see your hands up!(加强语气,鼓励)Um...semms you are a little too shy,ok,(直接点个学生)have you ever heard this?
WOW(语气会不会太夸张,自己把握),you've mastered so well,and then we're doing some exercises.
Now let's see a dialog,practise it with your deskmate for a while.
OK, so much for today,I'll be very glad if you do some reviewing after class.And do(强调) remember to come to me anytime you've something to ask. (短暂停顿)Class is over:)(轻松语气)
1:侦探片 detective film 2:纪实片 documentary 3:卡通片 cartoon 4:爱情片 affectional film 5:灾难片 disaster film 6:科幻片 science fiction film
1:动物世界 Animal World 2:福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes (全名)
3:猫和老鼠 Tom and Jerry 4:泰坦尼克号 Titanic 6:哈利波特Harry Potter

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    答:1, good teachers, just now I explain for everybody give priority to with the beauty of rain flower stones, from which, we can not only observe the beauty of the rain flower stones like nature itself, more can get a feel for the broken pieces back together is majestic, wish ...
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    答:3、Now I am talking about…….
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    答:1. Certainly I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me. Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share.翻译如下:.当然我因为教学是对于自我不容易教,也不因为我认为我知道答案,或者因为我有知识,感觉到迫使我分担,我确实...
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  • 求英语高手帮我翻译句子,谢谢!
    答:the spring festival long before it approaches.That is why scientist call the ever-growing temperature on the earth the "greenhouse effect."十年前我们在同一所学院共事。如果你采纳我的建议,你很可能会会成功。他常常从互联网上获取信息。他骑车时很小心翼翼。这个女孩被他的外表欺骗了。