
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29


Nowadays, as the rapid Internet(network) developes, it becomes an important channel for people to obtain, spread and deliver messages. By utilizing remote control software, it enables network management, remote technical support, remote commuication and other remote office control and management. It solves the problem of distance and space, benefits in many aspects, such as politics, economy, daily life and etc. Thus, it gains an increasing value from people who are involved in the technology.

This essay is going to briefly illustrate Remote Control Software and its related technoglogies, including SOCKET Program and its basic concepts, API technology and MFC etc. Also, the essay will analyze the situations of some remote control softwares, including: Demand Analysis, Function Panels and system structure etc. Lastly, it will introduce the programming and realization of remote control system panel by panel from both ends, server and client.

The system is developed under Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. It adopts the C/S mode(that is, client/ server mode), which is to remote control and manage remote computers in the network by connecting the server with IP address.

Dear Peter,
I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm accommodation and company during my visit at S.F. I wish to visit there again when it is getting warmer. Please also help send my gratitude for your warm-hearted colleagues.

I am so thankful that you invited me for dinner at your home Saturday night. I had such a great time in the casual atmosphere. Thanks your wife for making such delicious food.

I wish to meet you again on this side of the Pacific Ocean. Please accept my invitation. Whenever you are here, please do come by my house for a visit.

Sincerely Yours,

1. Certainly I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me. Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share.翻译如下:

7. All deliveries were free. And the new plan was launched in the depths of the Asian financial crisis in 1998.翻译如下:

8. Appalled by what he had done, Jack rushed to the parapet and flung himself on the rocks below, where the sea claimed him immediately翻译如下:

At the bottom of a short but very steep hill lies Bath Lake, named by some of the local residents in the 1880s. Through the years, 【this “lake” has been empty as often as full.】 Though soldiers in the late 1880s once bathed in this pool, 【we now know that such activity destroys fragile formations and may cause dramatic changes in the behavior of thermal features.】 Bathing in any of Yellowstone’s thermal features is unsafe and unlawful. 翻译如下:


1. Certainly I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me. Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share.翻译如下:

7. All deliveries were free. And the new plan was launched in the depths of the Asian financial crisis in 1998.翻译如下:

8. Appalled by what he had done, Jack rushed to the parapet and flung himself on the rocks below, where the sea claimed him immediately翻译如下:

At the bottom of a short but very steep hill lies Bath Lake, named by some of the local residents in the 1880s. Through the years, 【this “lake” has been empty as often as full.】 Though soldiers in the late 1880s once bathed in this pool, 【we now know that such activity destroys fragile formations and may cause dramatic changes in the behavior of thermal features.】 Bathing in any of Yellowstone’s thermal features is unsafe and unlawful. 翻译如下:


我们现在知道 这种活动摧毁了它脆弱的形态也同时导致了热特性的巨大变化

1 我当然不教因为教育对我来说很简单!我不教不仅是因为我知道答案,还因为我觉得知识是用来(更多人)分享的(所以不会教给你)

7 一切交付是免费的!新计划在1998年亚洲金融危机的谷底的时候启动

8 我被他的行为震惊,杰克冲到护栏边,跳向了下面的岩石,海水很快淹没了他!



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