
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

It is you who taught me everything important, love included / including love.

注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一。

had done表示过去的过去,是过去完成时,表示你在她遇到烦心事前就不理解了,这不符合逻辑。而应该是她烦心之后你不理解,所以直接用过去式。

Mary is going to attend a interview for the podition of office director tomorrow.
The atmospheria layer is made up of all kinds of gas surrounding the earth.
American children have an strong attachment to animals from their childhood to adulthood.
Children expect the spring festival long before it approaches.
That is why scientist call the ever-growing temperature on the earth the "greenhouse effect."

1. Mary will be going to participate in office manager tomorrow a duty interviewing.
2. atmosphere are composed by the encirclement in Earth all around each kind of gas.
3. American children from infancy to maturity very much have the sentiment to the animal.
4. children do not have before the arrival in the first lunar month new year very long period of time anxiously were hoping celebrated the new year. Why
5. is that the scientist the Earth temperature question which rises unceasingly is called “the greenhouse effect”.

1. 我们在同一所学院工作了十年前。
2. 如果您遵循我的建议,您可能会是成功的。
3. 他经常从互联网获得信息。
4. 在乘坐自行车时,他非常小心。
5. 女孩因为他的出现被骗了

1 Mary tomorrow will take part in the office manager of the interview.
2 the atmosphere surrounding earth is by all kinds of gas.
3 for animals from American children have feelings.
Four children in the year before the arrival hasn't the very long period of time will eagerly looking forward to the New Year.
5. That is why scientists to rising temperatures problem is called "greenhouse effect".

1. We've been working in the operations ago campaigns.
2. Follow your wish and won. Successfull temperature.
3. He gets informattion non-specifically by Internet.
4 He is connected to a bike riding careful.
5. Pull girl was cheated
3. He gets non-specifically by Internet websites

1. We worked in the same college ten years ago. 十年前我们在同一所学院工作。
2. If you follow my advice,you will probably be successfull. 如果你听取了我的意见,你也许就可能成功了
3. He often gets informattion from the Internet.
4. He is very careful when riding a bike.
5. The girl was cheated by his appearance.

Marry will go to interview for office manager tomorrow.
The atmosphere is composed of various gases which around the earth .
Americal children have deep feeling for animal when they were children.
There are long time from new year, the children are eager urgently the new year coming.
It was reason that the earth air temperature of sustaine rising was named glass house by the scientist.

1,Mary will attend a interview as a office manager candidate tomorrow.
2,Aerosphere is composed of a variety of gases around the earth.
3,Children in America hold feeling toward animals from infancy.
4,Children can not wait for the lunar new year long before it comes.
5,That's why scientists call the problem that the earth is becoming warmer a "greenhouse effect".

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