
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

答:"bear responsibility" 和 "bear the responsibility" 在意义上有一些细微的区别。1. "Bear responsibility":这是一个常见的表达方式,意味着承担责任、承担后果或接受责备。它强调的是对某件事情的整体责任负担,不涉及特定的责任对象。例如:“作为团队的领导者,你必须承担责任。”2. "Bear the ...

答:承担责任的英文是bear the responsibility。例句:1、而分包商,则完全想承包商负责,承包商为分包商的一切行为想业主承担责任。The Contractor shall be bear the responsibility for the subcontractor.2、如果出了问题,你就得承担责任。If there is anything wrong, you have to bear the responsibility...

答:responsibility的词组如下:1、on one's own responsibility 自作主张地 2、responsibility profit 责任利润 3、undertake responsibility 担负起责任 4、undivided responsibility 单独承担的责任 5、original responsibility 原始责任 近义词 duty 英 ['djuːti]   美 ['duːti]n. 义务;职责...

答:responsibility造宾语从句如下:He has no responsibility for that accident.他对那个事故没有责任。Wives still take most of the responsibility for the children.妻子仍然对孩子承担大部分责任。The father of a family should have more sense of responsibility.一家之父应有责任感。Do you know the...

答:他对公司的整个销售部门负责。2、He is a man without a sense of responsibility and is not yet suitable for starting a family.他是个缺乏责任心的男人,还不适合组建家庭。3、It is the responsibility of every citizen to jointly maintain social order.共同维持社会秩序,是每一位公民的义务...

答:Everyone should shoulder the responsibility。6、真正的责任是信自己。——佚名 The real responsibility is to believe yourself。7、友谊是一种责任。——纪伯伦 Friendship is a kind of responsibility。8、先生的责任是教人做人。——陶行知 Mr Responsibility is to teach the person。9、责任就是...

responsibility, duty,obligation的区别
答:obligation仅指对他人应尽的职责和义务,没有对自己应尽的责任的含意; responsibility则指一个人必须对后果负责的职责或义务。duty多指永远的义务。一、responsibility 英 [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] 美 [rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪ...

shoulder the responsibility是什么意思
答:shoulder the responsibility 肩上的责任 例句:1.If you dare to do something, you should also dare to shoulder the responsibility.你要敢做,你就得敢当,你就得敢于负起责任。

答:We are not born for oneself, it is the responsibility of our country gives us。 31、人生须知负责任的苦处,才能知道尽责任的乐趣。梁启超 Information responsible suffering in life, to know the pleasure of responsibility。 32、真理的发现或道德责任的完成都会引起我们的欢欣。克罗齐 The completion of th...

答:2、要理解人,而且还要热爱他们。——罗曼·罗兰To understand the people, but also love them。3、每个人都应该担负起应尽的责任。——徐磊刚Everyone should shoulder the responsibility。4、先生的责任是教人做人。——陶行知Mr Responsibility is to teach the person。5、我们应当嗅出真理,究根...


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昌吉市鞠府:: 1. the ones指上文的复数可数名词,ones之前可以有形容词修饰.也可以用后置定语修饰,专指“同类中的那/这一些”.表示特指,即the+可数名词复数. He advised farmers to choose the best seed-heads,the onesthat had the best colour.(the ...

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昌吉市鞠府:: this的意思是 pron.这,这个;这事,这人;这时;下面所说的事 adj.这,这个;刚过去的,即将到来的;今…,本… adv.这样地;就是这样;这么地 复数those the的意思是 art.指已提到的人(物);指说话人与听者已知的人(物);用于独一无二的事物前;与形容词最高级和序数词连用 the可以用在单数、复数,the对人、物都可以用,the通常是:the woman......,the dogs......,the nurse......;而this只可用在单数,this不可用在人身上,只可用在物品、动物上this更强调“这个”.this通常:this is....... 我快上初中了,有事与我共同探讨.

红翟19374919676: the reason why是定语从句,the reason that是同位语从句,是这样吗? -
昌吉市鞠府:: 一、the reason why肯定是定语从句 二、the reason that 不一定都是定语从句,分以下两种情况 1.当that后面加的句子是完整的句子的话,那它肯定是同位语从句,例如 He gave me the reason that he got up too late this morning. 2.当that 后面加的句子是不完整的句子的话(也就是缺少主语、宾语或表语时),那它就是定语从句了,例如 I believe the reason that he gave. He gave me the reason that was unbelievable.(他给了我一个令人难以置信的解释

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