
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-31

1. 需负责任的,承担责任的[F][(+for/to)]
Politicians are responsible to the voters.
She is my child, and I am responsible for her.
2. 作为原因的[F][(+for)]
Heavy rains were responsible for the shortage of vegetables.
Bad weather is responsible for the poor crop.

I have a responsibility to clean the classroom.
I have a responsibility to take care of grandmother.

lay the responsibility at sb's door:
把责任归于某人attribute duty to sb
With so many reports to mislead one, it is hard to say at whose door the responsibility should be laid.报告多得摸不着头绪,很难说责任该由谁负。
on one's responsibility:
主动地,自作主张地sth be decided by oneself
He did the good deed on his responsibility.他主动做了那件好事。
You can't do it on your responsibility.你不能自作主张地做那件事。
shake one's responsibility:
摆脱责任get rid of duty
We all couldn't shake our responsibilities.我们都不能摆脱责任。
shift the responsibility onto:
嫁祸于人transfer the misfortune onto sb
Much of the responsibility for the disaster was shifted onto John, and this was quite undeserved.把这场灾难的大部分责任推到约翰身上,这太不公平了。

He has no responsibility for that accident.他对那个事故没有责任。

Wives still take most of the responsibility for the children.妻子仍然对孩子承担大部分责任。

The father of a family should have more sense of responsibility.一家之父应有责任感。

Do you know the responsibilities of the government workers?你知道政府工作人员的职责吗?

She has a lot of household responsibilities to do every day.她每天有数不清的家务事要去做。


1、on one's own responsibility 自作主张地 

2、responsibility profit 责任利润 

3、undertake responsibility 担负起责任 

4、undivided responsibility 单独承担的责任

5、original responsibility 原始责任



英 ['djuːti]   美 ['duːti]    

n. 义务;职责;责任;税;关税

I feel it my duty to speak frankly to you.


be relieved of one's responsibility [-ties] (被)解除职责
bear responsibility for 对...负有责任
clear of responsibility 宣布对...不负任何责任
decline all responsibility for 声明对...不负任何责任
lay the responsibility at sb.'s door 断定责任该由某人负
on one's own responsibility 自作主张地, 自负全责地
shift the responsibility onto sb. 把责任推到某人身上, 嫁祸于人
take full responsibility for 对... 负完全 责任
take [assume] the responsibility of [for] 负起...的责任
take the responsibility upon oneself 自己承担起责任来
the responsibility lies at sb.'s door 应由某人负责
undertake fresh responsibility 担负起新的职责

responsibility for 责任;负责

sense of responsibility 责任感,责任心

social responsibility 社会责任

responsibility system 责任制

take responsibility 承担责任

legal responsibility 法律责任

take responsibility for 对…负责

criminal responsibility 刑事责任

corporate social responsibility 企业的社会责任

personal responsibility 个人责任;人事责任

assume responsibility 承担责任

with responsibility for adv. 负责

joint responsibility 连带责任

corporate responsibility 公司责任;共同责任

responsibility accounting 责任会计;权责单位会计制

financial responsibility 经济责任;支付能力

bear responsibility for 对…负有责任

responsibility center 责任中心

general manager responsibility system 总经理负责制

share responsibility 分担责任;共同负责

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