
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

say what you mean,mean what you say 是什么意思?
答:mean what you say 直译就是使你说的话有意义,意译就是说话算数.

Say what you mean, mean what you say 翻译,谢谢
答:直译:说出你心中所想,你心中所想就是你说出来的。意译:言为心声,心口合一。祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)请及时采纳,多谢!

Say what you mean,mean what you say.什么意思

you say what you mean, 和you mean what you say分别是什么意思_百 ...
答:you mean what you say 心口一致(不搞什么潜台词、影射之类的)

歌词中有一句my like song what time is不确定,没有挺清楚
答:love song 歌手:madonna 专辑:like a prayer I am ready. Are you ready also?Are you wasting my time Are you just being kind Oh no baby, my love isn't blind Are you wasting my time Are you just being kind Don't give me one of your lines Say what you mean, mean wh...

答:“你说什么”用英语为:What did you say?剩余的两个意思如下:1、What did you mean?:你什么意思?2、What do you mean?:什么意思?单词分析:1、what,英 [wɒt] 美 [wɑ:t]释义:(1)pron.(用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么,多少;…的事物 (2)adj.…的(事物或人)...

答:say 中文意思是:说 也可以读作:说 [shuì][动] try to persuade;说 [shuō]speak; talk; say; theory;say 英 [seɪ] 美 [se]vi.说, 讲;表明,宣称;假设;约莫 vt.表明;念;说明;比方说 n.发言权;说话;要说的话;发言权 第三人称单数: says 现在分词: saying ...

答:you better think again, 你最好三思 because l say you are killin‘ the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills. 因为你正扼杀了这所学府所坚持的精神 what a sham. 真是耻辱 what kind of a show are you guys puttin‘ on here today ? 你们今天给我看的.是什么东西? l mean, the on...

Mean what you say ?是什么意思?
答:mean what you say 意思是 你说话要算数 上面那些 ‘你说的什么意思’ 之类的是不对的

You'Re Not Alone (Album / Single Version) 歌词
答:sure in time you'll be heard, you said,come on everybody knows you're meant for better and say what you mean, or you won't mean a thing to me come on everybody ignores you now but soon your time will come yeah they'll know who you are no, you're not alone cause ...


况霭18920924248: what do you mean在英国说礼貌吗 -
安西县生泥:: 中性词.(摘自牛津词典)例句:'Perhaps we should try another approach.' ' What do you mean? “也许我们应该试一试别的方法.” “你说什么?”

况霭18920924248: Say what you mean in () few words () possible. - 上学吧
安西县生泥:: 用what you said 表示【已说过的话】

况霭18920924248: “你说什么”用英语怎么说? -
安西县生泥:: What did you say? 你说什么? 还是 What did you mean? 你什么意思? 还是 What does you mean? 不通, 词病 (不能用does)

况霭18920924248: I will say.的意思是什么? 4选1: - 作业帮
安西县生泥::[选项] A. pardon? B. I like it. C. You can say that again. D. What do you mean?

况霭18920924248: I say what I mean和I mean what I - 作业帮
安西县生泥::[答案] I say what I mean 我说的就是这个意思. I mean what I say 我会说到做到.