
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29


答:I want to tell about my team .My team is consist of 10 people,content of 9 girls and 1 boy.We had a social project in a *** all village a bit far from my hometown and my college.We lived there for 10 days from 15th-25th July 2012.This project actually designed by our college ...

答:seems to dream is out of reach,is the unclearmain,in the face of cruel reality and dream will only make our steadfast died.Actually hinder our progress is oneself,feel distant dream is their own,thinkof dream bumpy road is their own,think is hang him yourself,give up ...

答:why you think your friend will be interested in it;3). when and where to meet each other when attending this event.解释You are going to move out of the current living place. Write a letter about your accommodation to your English-speaking colleague who will be coming next month why you ...

答:How to cultivate team spirit First of all, there should be the overall concept. The team that everyone should be able to think about their own team do not think my team can do. A man in the face of things, should safeguard the overall interests of the collective as a common...

答:姓名: 特雷西·麦克格雷迪(Tracy Mcgrady)呢称:T-MAC 生日: 1979-5-24 号码: 1 位置: 得分后卫 身高: 2.03 米 体重: 98公斤 球队: 火箭 他是一个全面的得分后卫,也是联盟最好的得分后卫之一,联盟连续的二届得分王。他的中投准确、突破犀利,而最足为人称道的就是他在空中滑翔时那灵...

答:Taking a team from ordinary to extraordinary means remaining open to suggestions and bouncing ideas off teammates. 49.cater to When you take different preferences into account, your brand stand a better chance of catering to more needs and enlarging the customer base. 50.embrace change It's impo...

答:A It was the summer, scientists now realize, when felt. We knew that summer 2023 was remarkable: global warming at last made itself unmistakably Britain experienced its record high temperature and continental Europe saw forest fires raging out of control, great rivers drying of a trickle and ...

答:A:it's very kind of you to come to see me off.A:谢谢你来送我 B:my pleasure. i'm sorry you've got to leave us.we will miss you.B:不客气.很遗憾,你要走了,我们会很想念你的.A:same here.you've given me so much help during my stay here .how can i thank you ...

答:11.What have you learned from the jobs you have held? 三、行为面试问题(Sample Behavioral Interview Questions): 12.Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member. 13Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done? 14.Give ...


离宇15625261830: When I think of you when you can feel! 翻译成中文是什么意思
开化县生界:: 当我想你的时候你能感觉到, 不过,我觉得此句有语病.

离宇15625261830: 请教一道英语题:what do you think of… -
开化县生界:: 其实只要分析一下例句就好了 what do you think的意思是你怎样想 we put on a play on English evening意思是我们在英语晚会上上演短剧 如果忽略of的话 这两个句子是独立的,但是问题问的是你的想法“对于"这个计划 所以要加'of'把两个句子连起来= =其实吧、、、以我以往的经验,要是能真正理解就最好了,不行的话死记硬背把这些固定搭配记下来就好了 每一个介词都要慢慢理解的话,以后of,about这些你会弄混的 所以能理解最好,不能理解就把这个搭配记着吧 不用担心的:) 希望能够帮到你

离宇15625261830: when i think of you, tears fall down againleave -
开化县生界:: when i think of you, tears fall down again ,leave silently walk alone

离宇15625261830: what do you think 后要加of 吗? -
开化县生界:: 如果后面要跟具体的事物的话,就要用of sth 如果不具体问,就不加, of后必须跟名词作宾语