
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

Education is play a role in country develop
【Education plays an important role in country development.】

The desk of auditorium is so less that many people have to stand listen report
【A lot of people have to stand and listen to the report because there is not much seats in the hall.】

while information inquire converience and bring many drouble
【Information technology brings a lot of conveniences but at the same time troubles to mankind.】

72 虽然妇女对社会的贡献有目共睹,但对妇女的歧视依然存在,并可能持续很长的一段时间
Although woman contribution for society is obvious,but discriminate to woman is exist,and raise very long time(这句可能错的最多)
【Although women's contribution to the society was obvious, discrimination against women still exist and may continue/last for a long time. 】

How is happy that joe search he lose car!
【Joe was happy when he found his lost car.】

John had made delivery morning newspaper in here for last five years
【John has been delivering morning newspaper around this area for the last five years.】

If your result more better,when you choose university you can get more choose
【You'll have more choices when choosing a university if you have a good grades/result.】

15)People can have a space travel before long time.
16)Fred is such a warm-hearted guy that he spends much time in volunteer work.(时态)
19)Please show me your computer room.
20)All flights delayed because of fog.(becaus不能这么用)

59 令人欣慰的是很多人在地震中幸存了下来
let me happy a lots of people are living after the earthquake
it's delighted to hear that lots of people have survived the earthquake
一般这个用形式主语it,let不会用在这个地方,如果你想体现让某人如何如何或者令某人如何如何可以用形容词来体现(比如:bored/boring, delighted/delighting…),幸存用survive比较好
The Blackman become president which first in American politics
electing the black to be a president, pioneered the american politics
黑人的说法有很多,general一点的应该是black了,过去negro也能用不过现在涉及到种族问题。which first in amercan politics这个从句成分不完整,首次做什么什么事可以用for the first time,我用的pioneer有先锋的意思。可以说,for the first time in american politics, the black was elected to be the president.
64 谈到计算机,彼得是个专家,而我只是个初学者
Come to computer,peter is expert,but I am begin syudents
speak of the computer, peter is an expert while i'm a learner
come to可以用,when it comes to ... 涉及到什么什么问题。谈及到什么问题有蛮多短语的,比如speak of谈及…/as to至于…,或者用referring这种
65 只有通过交流,家长与孩子间的代沟才能缩小
Only by change parents and children chasm can be just reduce
nothing but communication can narrow the generation gap between parents and children
缩小代沟,narrow the (generation) gap
只有如何如何除了用only以外可以用别的来体现,no other than啊,nothing(nobody) but啊
66 人们普遍认为,孩子们早年经历在很大程度上决定了他们的性格
People common think,the later experience of children is decide their determine in grately
it is generally believed that children's early experiences might largely determine their characters.
普遍认为,it's generally believed…这个短语很常用,比较地道。早年经历,early experiences可以,childhood也可以。determine就有决定的意思,不用decide,而且decide没有determine强烈、正式。
The professor wang point out teachers need raise study in speech
professor wang pointed out in lecture that teachers should continuously keep learning as well.
speech和lecture,一个强调演讲,一个表明是讲座,用哪个都可以。point out用的不错。这里一般不用raise,不断做某事,keep doing 是常见的了。
The psychology experts think,you can though throw tray for wall for receive press of the giobal finance crisis bring
psychology experts believe that, throwing plates to the wall can relax the pressure brought from the globla financial crisis
这里说的盘子是一般的盘子,plate就可以了,tray有托盘啊货盘的意思。减缓压力,relax the pressure或者release from pressure什么的都可以。认为什么什么,特别是专家认为什么什么,用believe更恰当

59 令人欣慰的是很多人在地震中幸存了下来
The good news is that many people survived the earthquake.
Black elected to be a president, created a precedent for American politics.
64 谈到计算机,彼得是个专家,而我只是个初学者
When comes to computers, Peter is an expert, but I'm just a beginner.
65 只有通过交流,家长与孩子间的代沟才能缩小。
Only through communication can gap between parents and children be reduced.
66 人们普遍认为,孩子们早年经历在很大程度上决定了他们的性格
People generally agreed that the children early experiences largely determined their characters.
Professor Wang said in the lecture that teachers also need to keep learning.
Psychological experts believe that, we can throw plates to the wall to ease the pressure on the global financial crisis.



59. It makes me happy that lots of people survived the earthequake
60. The black president of United States is a first
64. Speaking of computers, Peter is an expert, but I am only a beginner
65. Only through communications between the children and parents, can the difference in points of views be minimized
66. People commonly think that early childhood experiences often shape their characteristics
68. Professor Wong pointed out in his lecture that teachers have to renew their knowledge continously
42. Psychologists believe that the enconomic stress can be relieved by throwing plates at the wall.

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