
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

二是翻译可以不要太直白,直白有时反而显得生硬,"和你成为敌人"即是"成为你的敌人"的意思,所以可以翻译成"become your enemy",
第三是句中which 可省略,I repeatedly done修饰dream.所以最后可翻译成正确的是Become your enemy is only a dream I repeatedly done.
Being your enemy is only a dream I repeatedly done.这样比较流畅.
It`s only a dream I repeatedly done that I become your enemy.

What you are writing is what you are living.写作即生活。

总体上翻译出了原文的意思, 但是太过局限于原文,显得表达不够简练。个别单词写错了,民族--ethnic groups。 用了太多的并列句,可以考虑使句型更多样化,句子结构更简练。 以第一句为例:如果我翻的话,Chinese, used by all ethnic groups in china, is one of the languages with long history and highest level of development.

Chinese is common language used by all the Chinese nationalities, which is the world’s most highly developed languages with the longest history. Whether in the past or at present, Chinese has had great influence both at home and abroad and occupied a prominent position. The current worldwide interest in learning Chinese is attributed to the long history of the Chinese nation, its glorious and magnificent culture and its tremendous contribution to human progress; more importantly, as China's overall national strength has grown in the course of reform and opening-up over the last 30 years, more and more countries, international organizations and people have interest in Chinese culture and they come into to contact with China. For them, learning Chinese has become the only road to understand China deeply.

Chinesefever应该写成Chinese-fever;Chinese nation 你就直接写成China不就完了?后面有点看不下去了,但语法基本正确。恕我直言,这篇翻译有点糟糕,用语十分生硬,很多地方不符合英文用语习惯,尤其字对字翻译是大忌。以下是我的翻译,水平不高,供你参考:
Madrin is spoken by all races in China, which is also one of the most advanced languages in the world. No matter in the past or in nowdays, Madrin shows big influence to the world with its important status.Now, more people from all over the world are fond of learning Madrin, through which, they can understand more about the long period Chines history, the fantastic culture and the huge contribution to the world as well. Besides, the sucessful opening reform which has been lasted for 30 years, and much stronger nation power attract more and more people, countries, and international institution to comunicate and get to konw China.Studying Chinese is a must way for them to understand China profoundly.

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    答:总体上翻译出了原文的意思, 但是太过局限于原文,显得表达不够简练。个别单词写错了,民族--ethnic groups。 用了太多的并列句,可以考虑使句型更多样化,句子结构更简练。 以第一句为例:如果我翻的话,Chinese, used by all ethnic groups in china, is one of the languages with long history and...
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