
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03
请高手帮我修改一下 我写的英语句子的语法 拜托了 需要有人指出错误帮我修正一下

1) After mom goes off to work, they are playing around; climbing on the table, running around,but worse, one of the kids make pees in the truck. So the dads have to cleanout the truck and ask them to get out from the toilet. ( because the kids

2) The kids refuses to listen. They refused to listen whatever their parents says (for example, the dad ask Gigda to sit down and eat the meal, she says ‘’ no, I don’t want that. And dad didn’t do anything to help her eat the meal. In the next day, the other kid get refused to eat as well.

3) The kids have no Self-discipline all. They do whatever they wants; drawing on thewalls, destroy things and hitting each other and so on.

4) When mom started to get the kids involved to some craft time. Mom asks Geoda:‘do you want tofinish your picture, Geoda?’’ ‘’take out this from your finger and stoptouching it and use glue stick and make your picture !). The mother didn’t givethe child freedom to do what she wants. She ignore the child when Geoda says’’help me, help me’’.

5) Mom decided that she take the kids out for relax a bit. But when Jo went out few minutes later, she can not see the mom anywhere. She noticed that there are two kids without being supervised

发给我看一下 我帮你改

We are always [using] [computers][.] [For] example, we [always write] a word document, [send] [messages] to [the colleagues], [and make] PPT and EXCEL [documents]. For [our jobs] in the future, I think every college student should take a computer course.

比如:use a computer;use computers;use the computer;use thecomputers
唯独不能说use computer
引用【冠词是一种虚词,是最典型的限定词,本身不能单独使用,只能附在一个名词上帮助说明名词的含义。是名词的一种标志。英语中的冠词有定冠词the和不定冠词a 、an两种:a用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前。不定冠词仅用在可数名词单数前。用来表示“—”的意思,但不强调数的观念,只说明名词为不特定者。定冠词则表示名词为特定者。表示“这,这些,那,那些”的意思,在可数名词单,复数前和不可数名词前都可以用。】





3.记住典型文章的格式.目前高考的英语作文以应用文为主,记住应用文的一些基本格式是保证分数的关键(例如写书信开头就可以来上一句I'm writing to tell you something about....).

4.记住一些经典句子.在英语作文里如果能用上一些英语谚语,那是非常处彩的(例如说一个有两面性的事情可以说:But as everyone knows,every coin has two sides.)d



we are always using computer. for example, we are writing a word document, sending messages to colleagues, always making PPT and EXCEL document. if we can use computer, I think it an advantage for us to find a job. So I think every college student should take a computer course.

we are always using computer, for example, writing a word document, sending message to colleagues, making PPT and EXCEL document.
For we are job in the future是什么东西。

We are always using computers. For example, We use computers when we are writing a word document, sending messages to a colleague, and making powerpoint and excel documents. For our jobs in the future, I think every college student should take a computer course.

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