
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

This is allegedly substantial text from an American home economics text book, circa 1950. Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a palatable meal in due time. This is a way of letting him understand you've been musing almost him and concerned almost his needs. Most men are starving when they come home and the prospect of a nice meal is part of the warm greet needed. Prepare yourself. Take fifteen minutes to rest so that you will be reanimated when he arrives. Touch up your composition, put a bandage in your hair and be fresh seeing. He has just been with a lot of work-weary human. Be a little gay and a little more amusing. His boring day may need a lift. Clear away the clutter. Make 1 final voyage via the cardinal part of the house fair ahead your husband arrives,Chanel Handbags, gather up school writings, dolls, periodical, etc. Run a dust fabric over the charts. Your husband ambition feel he has reached a asylum of repose and order; and it ambition give you a elevate also. Prepare the babies. Take a few minutes to bathe the children's hands and faces (if they're small), comb their cilia,cheap chanel handbags, and if only, change their clothing. They are little treasures and he would favor to penetrate them playing the part. Minimize all clamor. At the time of his arrival, exclude all noise of the washer, dryer, dishwasher, or vacuum. Try to encourage the kid to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm laugh and be pleased to see him. Some Don'ts: Don't salute him with problems and grumbles. Don't complain if he is late as dinner. Count this for minor compared to what he might have gone through namely daytime. Make him cozy. Have him lean behind in a comfortable chair or recommend that he lie down in the bedroom. Have a chilly beverage ready because him. Arrange his pillow and attempt to take off his shoes. Speak in a cheap, soft, agreeable and agreeable voice. Allow him to relax and unwind. Listen to him. You may have a dozen entities to tell him,chanel handbags online, yet the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk premier. Make the evening his. Never complain if he does not take you out to dinner or additional pleasant distraction. Instead attempt to comprehend his world of tug and pressure,gucci women handbags, his need to unwind and relax. The goal,chanel handbags outlet! Try to make your family a location of truce and mandate where your husband can relax in body and morale.

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What We Cannot afford to lose我们不能失去的
Nowadays many of us are spending our youthfulness thinking that we can waste many things because we are young . That's OK, though, your u\youthfulness is up to you.But can we really afford to lose anything?In fact,there are many things we cannot lose such as our health, our families and friends, air and water. Amoung which the most important one I think is time.
French writer Honore DE Balzac regards time as capital.In order not to make visitors delay visit time,Madame Curie never let s them sit in living room.We can see outstanding person is always the friend of time.
Time is eternity but the time each one owns is limited.What we should do is to take every second to learn more and to improve ourselves.If we can't make full use of it , we will regret when we are old and achieve nothing.
There are many things we have to seize.For example, chance,luck and hppiness.But they always disappear in a flash.Here is a word ,one‘s success depends on whether he can seize it but not how many times he meet it.Only when you take your every second can you have a bright future.
The beauty of life is you never know what is gong to happen next.After this time you may be successful or you may die.So you should treasure your time befor the last time.
Time is limited but you can lengthen your life by saving time .Catching your time, you are the biggest winner.

The fact that Oberon and Titania accuse each other of being disloyal is because they are jealous and untrusting of each other, which caused their quarrel. Although both of them want to be dominant in the quarrel, the way how they deal the issue is very different. First of all, Oberon, the king the fairies, is a selfish person and does not care about other people's thoughts. He thinks that Titania has an interest on Theseus. In order to revenge on Titania, he brings a lot of disasters to the fairies land, such as unseasonable weather, the growth of imaginative paths in the grass from lack of use and suffering of arthritis for the people. He does things with his feelings. His jealousy and selfishness lead those innocent people to the consequences. Further more, in order to get the Indian prince from Titania, he harms Titania. He wants to make her fall in love with a wild animal. His action without thinking and logic makes him immature. Therefore, Oberon's accusation of Titania is unforgivable and more damning. On the other hand, Titania, the queen of the fairies land. Though she thinks that Oberon has an interst on Hippolyta, she never does anything excessive to revenge on Oberon. Besides, Titania shows sympathy to the Indian prince, for example, she crows the boy with flowers and delights. Her action shows that she is a kind and generous person. When Titania known that Oberon wants to keep the Indian prince, she refuses his request and ignores his actions. This further shows Titania's maturity and rationality. In conclusion, since Titania is kind and generous and Oberon is selfish, Titania's accusations are more believable and forgivable.

Helena assumed that Lysander, Demetrius and Hermia conspired to mock her because she was unconfident to herself. Before the play begins, Demetrius abandoned Helena by courting Hermia. She thought she was ugly compared to Hermia. She considered the physical appearance as the reason why she lost Demetrius to Hermia. She could not leave her feeling toward Demetrius behind, and she could not wipe Demetrius' vows off from her memory. Helena also believed that someday, Demetrius would be tired and weary of Hermia, and his love would be back to her. so she risked a second courtship with Demetrius. As the play wen on, Demetrius was unconcerned and even lost temper to Helena. Helena was still in compliance to Demetrius. She gave up her dignity, followed Demetrius like a spaniel. Helena's actions did not completely come from her love to Demetrius, but mostly because of her desire to win Hermia. As the play goes further, Lysander declared love to Helena, Helena rejected Lysander decisively. Due to the unconfidence of Helena, Helena thought that it was impossible for Lysander to give up the beautiful Hermia and court the ugly Helena. In conclusion, Helena is a pathetic and unconfident girl who wants to gain back Demetrius' love. Everything happened to her made her assume that Lysander, Demetrius and Hermia conspired to mock her.

怎么改 ,先复制一段,直接增删
Oberon and Titania accuse each other of being disloyal because they are jealous and untrusting of each other, which caused their quarrel. Although both of them want to be ascendant in the quarrel, they deal with the issue in very different ways. First of all, Oberon, the king of the fairies, is a selfish person who does not care about other people's thoughts. He thought Titania takes an interest on Theseus, and in order to revenge Titania, he brought a lot of disasters to the fairies land, such as unseasonable weather, the imaginative paths in the grass grow over from lack of use and people suffer from arthritis. He does things with his feeling. His jealousy and selfishness let those innocent people to bear the consequences. Further more, in order to get the Indian prince from Titania, he harmed Titania. He wanted to make her fall in love with a wild animal. He acts without thinking and logic makes him immature. Therefore, Oberon's accusations towards Titania are unforgivable and more damning. On the other hand, Titania, the queen of the fairies land. Though she thought Oberon takes an interst on Hippolyta, she never did something excessive to revenge Oberon. Also, Titania showed sympathy to the Indian prince, for example she crowns the boy with flowers and delights in him. Her actions show that she is a kind and generous person. When Titania knew that Oberon wanted to keep the Indian prince, she refused his request and ignored his actions. This further shows Titania's maturity and rationality. In conclusion, since Titania is kind and generous and Oberon is selfish, Titania's accusations are more believable and forgivable.

稍靠前的....very different.换成quite different会好一点吧?楼主觉得呢?

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