
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06



Do you know which city is it? Yes, this is Hong Kong. Today, I introduce the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars, it is very beautiful, modern and across the river is a lot of famous buildings. There are many stars that left Shoumo, like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Andy Lau, also, that one of my idol, Bruce Lee's statue, it nice! My dream is to become a movie star, one day, I will put my fingerprints printed on the Walk of Fame.
OK了 呵呵

You know this is which city? Rightness, this is Hong Kong. Today I introduce Hong Kong xingguangdadao, that's beautiful, the river is a lot of modernization and famous buildings. There is a lot of star leave fingerprint, jet li and Jackie chan, like Andy lau, there is one my idol, Bruce lee statue, very beautiful! My dream is to become a movie star, one day, I will put my fingerprints printed on star boulevard.

You know which city is this ? Right, this is Hong Kong. Today I'll introduce Hong Kong Avenue of Stars to you, that's beautiful, the river is a lot of modernization and famous buildings. There is a lot of fingerprint star left , jet li and Jackie chan, like Andy lau, there is one my idol, Bruce lee statue, it's very beautiful! My dream is to become a movie star one day, I will put my fingerprints printed on star Avenue of Stars one day!

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