
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

April 8, Guangdong Province, the first reading of teaching English in primary schools will exchange Shiqi primary school in the fourth floor of the Studio Building was held. From Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Dongguan, the five teachers and two teachers were Zhongshan City, a primary school on the Teaching of English reading seminar class. Seven teachers are only 24 hours of preparation time, class is the language of the new provisional balloting, at the same time, by school classes, the school hours only 30 minutes, every one of the classes are a great teacher Challenges and tests. But even if only a short time to prepare, seven courses, is unique, brilliant, coaching each of the primary school teachers for classroom teaching of reading, exploration and practice, received a very good exchange effects, school-site from time to time Teachers knowing smile and warm applause, and many teachers are participating with emotion, said: "The exchanges will be conducted's nice, we gain great!"
Activities as a member of the watch, I also harvest great. Seven teachers teach, from the Department of Teaching and Research Office of the Members of Guo Mei-sik, teachers, Guangdong Province, the Foreign Language Vocational Institute of the Arts Professor Tan Weimin, Guangzhou City teacher Xu Shuyan teachers on the seven classes were wonderful comments, affirmed Every primary school teachers for teaching reading of exploration and practice.
Comments by listening, I also have the following ideas: Teaching Reading is the focus of English teaching in primary schools, but also the difficulty of teaching. Inform the students learn reading vocabulary, grammar and sentence patterns, and other basic knowledge of English also can get information and learn English the country's social culture. Text of modern teaching methods emphasize the overall teaching, the overall teaching here is not just that a complete story of teaching, but mainly refers to the form of language teaching and language teaching organically combine the significance of teaching. At the same time, "learning to read" and "learning to read" closely integrated, it will not only help students learn the language foundation of knowledge, access to rich language, while an independent master reading skills so that students increase knowledge, the open Vision, and aroused the interest.








As adventurous as the job sounds,the hard part is fact-checking all the information.Sure it's great to write about a tourist attraction,but you'd better get the local museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone's vacation.





  • 请帮我翻译一段话,谢谢,务求准确。
    答:1:谢谢。I see. A table for two, near the windwo. This way, please.(2为1的朋友)1:这是间不错的餐馆,我在杂志上看过它的介绍。This restaurant is terrific. I've read about it in a magazine.2:太好了,我很期待。It's not bad. This is what I have expected.(我很期待...
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  • 请大家帮忙翻译一下这段话,谢谢
    答:As adventurous as the job sounds,the hard part is fact-checking all the information.Sure it's great to write about a tourist attraction,but you'd better get the local museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone's vacation.这份工作听起来冒险,困难的是fact-checking所有的信...
  • 请帮忙用英文翻译一下这段话
    答:grandfather(爷爷),grandmother(奶奶) and(和) my(我的) parents(父母) in(在) my(我的) home.(家)I(我) love(爱) my(我的) family!(家)其部分解析:Hello(你好)Everyone(每一个人)nine(九) years old(岁)本生水平较差,只是一字一字打出来,望采纳,谢谢!
  • 请大家帮我这段话用英文翻译一下,谢谢!(正确的!,一些请用过去式)
    答:in the Athens Olympics in 2004 on behalf of the Chinese men's basketball, and will enter the last eight. Yao Ming is the Chinese pride, the ones that let us hope for his development are better and better!参考资料:Dr.eye 较准确翻译,如果有误,下次声明要人工翻译 ...
  • 请大家帮忙翻译一段话~~~谢谢啦谢谢~~
    答:在您来上海的这段时间,天气还有点凉,别忘记多带一件厚外套。 Complete itinerary will be sent to your mailbox, you come to Shanghai in the period, the weather was a little bit cool, do not forget to bring along a thick coat. 非常感谢! Thank you very much!
  • 请大家帮忙翻译一下以下这些话(用英文),并把意思带上,谢谢 大家早上好/...
    答:大家早上好/下午好。我的名字叫××,英文名叫××。Good morning / Good afternoon ,everyone。My name is XX and my English name is XX 。今天是我的值日生很荣幸能够站在这里。I am on duty today and it's a great honor to be here今天天气不是很好,还有一些冷,请休息多穿衣服哦!
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