
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

I know you wish is to know Chinese friends, so that to learn Chinese language, I on the Internet is see you wish. I would like to become the friend with you. I'm going to help you understand the location of the school, tell you our school language, culture, I'll E-mail to help you introduce and, of course, you are always welcome to our school. I look forward to your reply.


6.2。卖方发票应计算基于款中显示的价格为5.1,以提供一个值在每个音调的煤(美金$ /音调)。发票价格还应当乘以吨,交付的确定依照本协议条款4.0生产发票金额在美元。卖方应提供3正本发票。副本2份正本发票对银行和一份正本发票给买方。


With the further development of technology and the improvement of people's living standards, its most obvious merit is: easy access to newest global news, cheap source for entertainment and information and fast and convenient tool for interpersonal communication worldwide. Take the e-mail as an example, people can use it to communicate with each other in a few second and don't have to pay much for it. We are so dependent on the internet that it seems that we cannot live without it. With the further development of internet, its prospect will be more splendid.


With further technological development, the improvement of people's living, it is the most prominent advantages are : convenient access to the latest world news, entertainment and information sources of cheap, and traveling around the world to facilitate the interaction between people. By e-mail as an example, one can, through its contacts communications within seconds, without having to pay a high price. We are so dependent on the Internet, it does not seem impossible for us to live, with the further development of the Internet. It's more brilliant prospects .

With further development of technology,people's standard of living has improved.The most outstanding merit is:getting the latest news around the world conveniently;sourcing of entertainment and informations with low cost,the rapid and convenient human communication in different places as well;Taking email for example,people can communicate with each other in second via email without paying a lot.We thus rely on Internet.It seems we can't live without internet.With further development of Internet,the future will be more splendid.

With the further development of technology and the improvement of people's living condition,the most advantage of it is that gaining the latest news in the world conveniently and quickly,the low-cost resource of entertainment and information,and people's fast and convenient communication with others all over the world.Take e-mail as an example,people can communicate with each other within few seconds through it without paying highly for it.We depend on the Internet so much that we would not live without it.With the further development of the Internet,it will have a bright future.


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    答:what i said don't ask your coming back,i only don't let you misunderstanding.8、【我知道我犯过很多的错,我知道我做过很多蠢事,我也知道我它们有多严重(“它”指的是错和蠢事...),但是那已经是过去了,不是吗?】i know that i causeed many fault and did many things which ca...
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    答:我要是你的话,也会这么做的。来源: dj.iciba.com 8.I would certainly do for you if I could.要是我做得到,我是一定会帮你办这事的。来源: dj.iciba.com 9.If a host lacks humor, I would rather see none.如果主持人缺乏幽默,我宁愿不看。来源: dj.iciba.com 10.I will go ...
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