
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

Chapter I, "Selected Works" Li Shan Note Reply "Yi" original research. This chapter of the same, only a simple list, and do not focus on the same place, therefore divided into the "text vary, but the significance of the same" and "[a different meaning there are differences," two aspects, and the delinking from Yanwen, orthographic (Qualcomm false, and the same source, allograft), in areas such as terminology Interpretations of analysis and study.

Chapter II "Selected Works" Li Shan Note Reply individual, "Yi Note" study. The chapter will Guo Pu Li cited in the note, "Yi Note" the contents of a single row, with the first chapter of the same method as their text triggered by the differences in the sense of making specific analysis of the differences. Li Notes will be quoted in the Sun Yan, Qianwei Shiren, Li visited the "Yi Note" compared with Guo Pu Note, which is now the Wang Yi Guo Pu note of the non-"Yi" for an indirect understanding.
Chapter III "Selected Works" Li Shan Note Reply "Yi" characteristics and evaluation. Through the first two chapters of analysis, we note that Li cited "Yi" the merits and deficiencies, and to make an objective assessment of them.

Shoulda creditoraccounts receivableis the enterpriseforeignon creditwayof sales of goods,materials,providing services such asform,shall submit to thebuyer or laborpartyto receive payment.In thefast development ofthe market economyof today,in order tomaintain market share,occupy the market,credit andother preferentialenterpriseinto anewmeans for enterprises toattract customers.Thepayment is not timelyrecovery,capital operationcannotperform normalturnover,seriously affectthe normal operation of enterprises.Themanagementwill directly affect theenterprise working capitalturnoverand economic benefits,the management of accounts receivablehas become an extremely importantbusiness activities of theproblem.This paper starts from thestatus of accounts receivable,expounds theeffect of accounts receivableof enterprises,and then analyzes thereasons of account receivableriskformation,andseveralsuggestions are put forwardon how tostrengthen theaccounts receivable management

1.有一个人在家里养了一只猫 Once upon a time, there was a cat in a house.
2.而在这个屋子里住着一群老鼠,他们每天都会受到猫的袭击.老鼠们每天都提心吊胆.于是他们聚在一起开会.商量用什么办法来对付这只讨厌的猫. however, there were some mice that also lived in the same house. They suffered from the attack of the cat every day. They lived in horro. So, one day, all the mice gathered together to discuss how to cope with the tiresome cat.
3.一只老鼠首先发言:"我们随身带上豆子,猫来了我们用豆子打他."其他老鼠商量了一下觉得行不通,没有同意. One mouse spoke first. He said, "We'd better carry some beans on us so that we can hit the cat with them whenever it appears"
4.这是另一只老鼠说:"在猫来袭击我们时,就抛出皮球来把他引开,那样我们就可以逃跑了."大家还是觉得不行. Another mouse adds, "When the cat comes at us, we can throw a ball to him to draw his attetion so that we can run away in time". Again, the other mice didn't think it a good way.
5.这时一只小老鼠站起来回答:"我们在猫的脖子上挂一只铃铛,只要铃铛一响我们就知道猫来了." just then, a small mouse rose and said, "We can tie a bell to the cat's neck, whenever it comes, the bell will ring and we will know it"
6.大家非常支持,就一遍遍鼓掌表示通过这个办法. Everybody applauded time and time again to support this idea.
7.大家非常高兴,但只有一只年长的老鼠没吭声.这时他叹了一口气.大家看了看他,觉得很纳闷. Everyone was happy but to their surprise, an old mouse remained silent. The he sighed. All the others looked at, wondering at his behaviour
8.他站起来说:"这个主意是不错,可是谁去把铃铛挂在猫脖子上呢?" Finally, he stood up, saying "That sounds a great idea, but who will tie that bell to the cat?"
9.大家听到一下子静了下来,刚才的高兴劲全不见了.是啊!谁敢去给猫挂铃铛呢? At his words, all was quiet. Their happiness disappeared all of a sudden. Yes! Who has got the nerve to tie the bell?


1 Somebody raised a cat at home.
2 And outside this room there are some rats. They were attacked by the cat everyday, and they were really tired of this cat.So they gathered to hold a meeting to discuss how to solve this problem.
3 One rat spoke first:" We can bring some beans with us so that when the cat come, we can attack him with the beans." But other rats all thought that was not a good idea.
4 Then another rat put forward a suggestion:" We can throw out a ball to absord the cat's attention when attacked so that we can run away!" Still this suggestion was rejected.
5 In the end, a little rat stood up and said:" How about putting a bell in the cat's neck? In this way, whenever the cat come, the bell will ring to warn us in advance!"
6 That was a good idea and every rat applauded to agree with it.
7 All rats were happy about this suggestion except an old one. He just sighed. Rats were curious about him.
8 He stood up and said:" i must say that this is a good idea, but the problem is: Who will go to put this bell on the cat's neck?"
9 Every rat silent down on hearing this. Well, they all know this is a big question because none of them dared to do this.

1.One person in a home stocked with cat
2.In this room there lived a group of rats They will be cat daily attacks. rats each day on tenterhooks. So they get together to meet. discuss what ways to deal with this nasty cat.
3. a rat the first to speak : "We accompanied onto the beans, our cat to beat him with beans. "Other rats discuss for a moment think that is not feasible, did not agree.
4. This is another rats said : "cat attack us, they dished out the ball to divert him, We would then be able to flee. "We still feel that not.
5. Then a small rat stood up to answer : "We in the cat's neck made from discarded a bell, a bell ring for as long as we know the cat. "
6. We very much support. said repeatedly applauded on the way through.
7. Members are very pleased that However, only one of the older rats did not utter a sound. Then he sighs. We can read him, feel very confused.
8. He stood up and said : "This is a good idea, But who is going to put bell hanging on the cat's neck?
"9. We heard a sudden calm down, Gaoxingjin just disappear after. 是 ah who dared to link to the bell the cat?!


1.Some one feeds a cat at home.
2.There are a crowd of mice living in the house.they are attacked by the cat day by day,making them scary everyday.So they hold a meeting together to discuss how to deal with such a trublesome cat.
3.A mouse speaks first:"we can take some beans with us and we can use the beans to beat the cat when it comes."But the other mice thinks it is not a good idea,they don't agree it.
4.By the monent,another mouse says:"we can draw the cat away by throwing the ball when it attacks ue,then we can escape."But the ider is still not agreed by the others.
5.A litte mouse stands up and says:"We can hang a small bell on the cat's neck,then we can know when the cat comes as the bell rings."
6.Everyone agree this idea,they applause again and again.
7.Everyone are very happy with the idea,but only an old mouse doesn't say a word.Everyone look at him when he suspires at that time,feeling very puzzled.
8.He stands up and says:"Who can go and hang the bell on the cat's neck?"
9.After hearing this,everyone keep silent.Right,who has courage to hang the bell for the cat?

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    答:"When the cat comes at us, we can throw a ball to him to draw his attetion so that we can run away in time". Again, the other mice didn't think it a good way.5
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