
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

1 They dicided to go on until they succeed.
2. Mary finished the task three days ahead of time.
3. She was too tired. She fell asleep while she was watching TV.
4. I always beat my brother everytime we play tennis.
5. Mandy is too excited to keep still.
6. There's a pretty light suspending on the ceiling.
7. They still keep in touch with each other since graduation.
8. You'd better not arrange them on two close seats.
9. They only have one week to go for the prizes awarding ceremony.
10. You can apprecitate the high-qualified music with this MP3.

1.If you need something,please don't hesitate to tell me.
2.I guess that you want to get down to business this morning.
3.The performance of the dancer on the stage is graceful.
4.In order not to let my parents down,I have to catch up with my classmates as soon as possible.
5.Anyone who cheats in exams should be punished.
6.Sunqiao Agriculture Developed Zone proved to be a great success.
7.It leaves less and less differences between the diets of Weastern and Asian people.
8.Farming used to be considered dull and backward.
9.Have you ever felt like watching the movies as if you were really there?
10.It is not necessary to look up every word we meet in the reading.


1. People who eat a variety of food can stay healthy.

2. Dad decided to make the best use of the May holiday by taking the whole family to Qingdao.

3. White agriculture is new farming of planting in water.

4. The red roses in Miss Huang's garden appear to be nourishing.

5. We should pay attention to our diet because they will affect our health.

1. People who eat a variety of food can stay healthy.

2. Dad decided to make the best use of the May holiday by taking the whole family to Qingdao.

3. White agriculture is new farming of planting in water.

4. The red roses in Miss Huang's garden appear to be nourishing.

5. We should pay attention to our diet because they will affect our health.

6. The study in Sunqiao Modern Agriculture Development Zone will benefit Chinese farmers' financial interests greatly.

  • 急!!!十万火急!!!帮忙翻译几句中译英可以吗?谢谢,请尽快!!!~~
    答:Tom glanced at his watch and got down to his own work.
  • 急!十万火急!!!帮忙翻译几句中译英可以吗?谢谢,请尽快!!!~~
    答:5. We should pay attention to our diet because they will affect our health.
  • 翻译翻译,十万火急。速度速度
  • 十万火急~翻译中译英~
    答:1.Whether the widening gap between rich and poor purely depend on technology?2.Is technology the only reason for the widening gap between rich and poor?
  • 十万火急……请大家帮我翻译一段话……
    答:我误会了我的朋友,尽管她经常犯错让我难以接受,但我会不断的试着去接受她!希望她能像过去那样真诚的对我。这几句话楼主千万不要给美国人看 一不小心说不定就出人命了
  • 汉英翻译一段句子。十万火急
  • 十万火急.求好心人.高手相助帮手翻译一下.
  • 翻译句子 十万火急
  • 英语翻译 十万火急 好的来~~
    答:这篇文章我看过好几次了,翻译如下:One hot summer day , Professor Brown decided to 一个炎热的夏天,布朗教授决定 take his children to the beach . The seaside town 带他到孩子们去海滩。他打算去的海边小镇 he planned to visit was about a three-hour train 坐火车去要三个小时的车程...
  • 十万火急~请高手帮助翻译成中文~谢谢~1
    答:p < 0.034)同右心衰患者。[]实施低通气病人潮中不仅有显著的降低ARDS死亡率(到32%),而且对急性右心衰的发生率在老年病人15 . 除了作为主要的危险因素,败血症本身可以发展ARDS有时导致急性动脉肺动脉高压。你着急的心情我体会,所以建议你以后使用“有道词典”那样就不用着急了 O(∩_∩)O!