
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-26


Many domestic firms have joined production of golf products with local brands in carts, costumes and courses, and many leading foreign brands are also seeking agents in China with great changes in the size, frequency, grade, scale and product spectrum of golf exhibitions taking place. In the new century, the golf has become enormously popular in China, especially after the SARS, with an increasing number of people joining the game, which leads to mushrooming-up of golf course and training courses to initiate a new round of development. Many golf websites and organizing agencies emerged to promote golf-oriented tourism and championship in China. Up to date, there are nearly 250 golf courses in China with about 300 training courses, and a golf industry journal in the U.S. forecasted that there will be 87 million golf players in China in next 20 years.

Battle in golf market! Private capital and financial capital are all involved in it, grabbing for lands and people with ability. The great chance contained in golf business also attracts attention from business of real estate, automobile, finance, tourism, clock-golf, internet, etc. Altogether they share this great cake(直译即可) and competition promotes the rapid and healthy development of Chinese golf too.



The golf cream cheese you contend for my, the civil capital private capital and the financial capital financial capitals get involved in succession, starting carry on a war, a person war, the huge business opportunities that the golf industry conceive also led to come numerous real estate, automobile, finances, tour, ball game clock- golf, network etc. the business eyeball of the profession, share this cake together, compete the market to also push forward the Chinese golf sport healthy fast development.

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