
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04




翻译:The Spring Festival is the most important festival of China. Chinese people usually hold grand celebrating activities on this day, and all the family members should go home to reunite no matter how far he is from home.

the Spring Festival
The Spring Festival:春节 | 农历正月初一春节 | 过年

reunite [[riːjʊ'naɪt]]
vi. 重聚;再结合;再联合
vt. 使重聚;使再结合;使再联合
Reunite:团聚 | 再联合 | 使团聚

I like at the time of the evening stroll on the beach, blow the sea wind, watching the sun go down slowly.I prefer to feel the sea broad sea by ship that is a very good enjoy!

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