
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04
小学英语作文 写老师的英语作文(不少于5句话,最好有翻译)

Mrs Zhao is a kindly teacher, she always make us laugh and at the same time, she will teach us more knowledge.She doesn't seem like a teacher, and her friendly always make her like our friend, however, it doesn't mean that she is not care about our grade and homework. She is also strict, every time, she checks our homework very carefully, and make us understand anything in class. so that is our teacher who is kindly and serious.


My English teacher is Mr.Brown.(我的英语老师是布朗)
He is tall and strong.(他又高又壮。)
He likes playing basketball.(他喜欢打篮球。)
His class is so fun.(他的课很有趣。)
We all like him very much.(我们都非常喜欢他)
1、“I'd like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mr. Walker”.
2、“Allow me to introduce my colleague, Ms. Smith”.
3、“Let me introduce you to my colleague, Paul Walter”.
(让我把你介绍给我的同事,Paul Walter。)
4、“Mr. Beck, this is Richard Winters from E-company Inc”.
(Beck先生,这是Richard Winters,来自于E-company有限公司。)

My teacher is very kind to her students.
She explains the lessons very clearly to us.
She often stays behind after school to answer the questions of her students.
She does not mind using her own time to give lessons to students who missed their lessons because of illness.

  1. It is patient of my teacher to teach us when we have some difficulties in the homeworking.

  2. I have a good teacher whose name is XXX.

  3. Not only  is my teacher  a teacher but also a friend.

4.My teacher is not tall but she has a high voice.

5. I love my teacher so much !

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