写一篇My teacher作文(五句话,描写老师)

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07
以my teacher 为题,写一篇短文。 5句以上

My teacher is very pretty! She is clever. She is tall. She is very young! I love her very much!

1、My (Chinese) teacher
I study in Class 5 Gread 5,Miss Qiu is our Chinese teacher.she's 24 years old, she is beautiful,she has long and black hair,big eyes and a small mouth. she is kind and funny,we learn mang things from her,in our class,we all like to talk with her ,she really like our friend,we all love her very much.
2、my village
Hello,my name is Mike,let me tell something about my village.my village is small and beaautiful,There are mang green trees,grass and colourful flowers,The sky is blue,the river is clean and the air is fresh,I love my village.

My teacher作文的五句话描述如下:

1、My English teacher is my favorite teacher,She is a 33 year-old woman. 

译文:我的英语老师是我最喜欢的老师, 她是一位33岁的女性。

2、She is very beautiful with long hair. 


3、She is a good English teacher and always takes care of us and help us to solve any problem about English lessonand let us be interested in English. 


4、She makes friends with us, so we study English very hard and make a lot of progress in English.


5、 I love my English teacher, and my English teacher love me, too.




1、面部:face 脸,eyes 眼睛,nose 鼻子,head 头,mouth嘴,hair头发,chin~下巴,cheeks脸颊,ears 耳朵,forehead 额头,teeth牙齿,lips 嘴唇,还有男人的胡子beard,moustache;身材:figure;穿着:wearing;神情:look。

四肢:arm胳膊,leg 腿,hand 手,foot 脚;性格:character;皮肤:skin;气质:disposition 个性:personality;年龄:age。此外还有muscle 肌肉,waist腰等。

2、对于不熟悉的人,描述时通常都是起长相或总体特征,问的时候用:What do/does sb.look like?对于熟悉的人才描述性格、气质、个性等内在的东西,问的时候用:What is/are sb.like?

3、有些形容词用来描述人是不礼貌的,会让人不高兴,可以用其它含蓄委婉的词语来代替,应该注意,如:fat 胖,可以用heavy或plump;skinny皮包骨头的,可以用slender。

ugly丑陋的,最好不用,应该多用赞美的词语,如说女人漂亮用:pretty,beautiful,说男人帅气可以用:handsome,男女都可用good-look ing,charming等。

.I have a math teacher, he is Mr. Su. Mr. Su has two big eyes, short hair, one big nose and a small mouth. He is tall and thin, he is very strict. His class is very interesting.
I like my math teacher.
I like my
math teacher.



Miss this is my son,Is TIC so beautiful fuck,一旦又看记录,一袋米有看好咯,星罗听见,血零感,拿的到,什么苦?😳