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“上海游”怎么翻译? 谢谢

应该没有区别吧 上海旅游:Shanghai Tourism 上海游的下一站--苏州 Shanghai next stop is Suzhou

There's no doubt that travelling alone will change your life.

Why you should:
1. You’ll become more creative
After time spent travelling abroad alone and soaking up the world around you, your creative spark will have a far deeper well to draw from when seeking inspiration!
2. It’ll force you to be a problem solver
You’ll learn to step up and tackle problems head on, using creativity and experience gained while doing the same on your solo travels.
3. It’ll make you more employable
Employers don’t care as much as they used to about the curriculum of what you studied and your list of work place assignments. Nowadays it’s more about what you learned, how you’ve changed, skills you’ve gained, and your ability to adapt and conquer new challenges. I think travel can help you there…
4. It can improve your mental health
For anybody out there reading this and struggling with mental health, I want you to know it’s worth pushing through the despair; fighting until you feel mentally strong enough to book that plane ticket of your own. Travel is, without a doubt, the fastest way you can grow as a human being and turn your life into an inspired one. My wonderful travel tales were made possible by taking charge of my mental health.
5. You can detox from technology
They say travel is the healthiest addiction, and it can help you detox from an unhealthy one at the same time! Solo travel helps you leave the screens behind, and experience the world with your senses rather than clicks.
6. It will increase your compassion
From encountering stray and mistreated animals to less fortunate and over worked local people, I have learnt a lot about compassion. Helping at animal rescue centres and partaking in ethical tourism has become a large part of my travel ethos now.
7. You will become more comfortable in your own skin
When you’re by yourself for a majority of the day and night you learn to be comfortable in your own skin, in your own mind. Most people avoid being by themselves at all costs, but you learn to embrace it by travelling by yourself.
8. You’ll get better at putting yourself out there
When you travel alone you learn to push yourself in every situation, to meet people, to try new things and to see what you really love without the influence of others…
9. Your life, your opinions
You become more opinionated as you’ll have seen and experienced so much without another’s influence and views impacting your own. It teaches you to explore your own thoughts, ideas and dreams.
10. Goodbye comfort zone!
Even if you find out it is not for you, you have a new experience! I travelled solo through the South of Chile. Camping alone on the 5 day hike in Torres Del Paine is now one of my most amazing memories!
11. You’ll catch the travel bug for life
Once you step out and start exploring the world, you will want to see it all.
12. You’ll have to face your weaknesses
Before travelling alone, I realised how completely OCD I could be about things out of my control. Luckily, solo travel forces you to put things into perspective and decide just how much of a weakness you have time for. Now, my OCD tendencies work in my favour: planning trips thoroughly, adapting when things don’t go to plan, and enjoying my time in a way that never feels out of control.

13. You can experience the serenity of a solo sunset
For example, chill out in Wilayah Mosque, Kuala Lumpur, during a sunset. Take a book, your camera and your good vibes.
14. Your self-awareness will sky rocket
Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.
15. You’ll learn how to how to hold your bladder
I can hold my bladder for a ridiculous amount of time because I’m not paying $10 to go into a toilet!
16. It’ll makes you brave
If I’d been travelling with another, I doubt I would have bungee jumped in New Zealand, dived with sharks in South Africa, or trekked into a Volcano crater at night in Indonesia. Travelling solo means travelling without another’s opinions, doubts and fears. Solo travel makes you brave.
17. It’ll teaches you independence
It taught me to be happy in my own company and try things I would have always relied on other people to do for me. It made me grow as a person and become very independent. Only you know what makes you happy, spend some time on your own – it’s good for you!
18. Instagram level
Your selfie stick will become your new best friend! However, remember there’s a time and a place for it.
19. You’ll get to #MeetTheWorld
You’ll develop an understanding and affinity for the cultures and people you encounter as they enrich your experience and help you along the way.
20. You’ll learn to love being alone
Before I travelled solo I assumed I’d be lonely, but due to the hostel social scene that’s not true. But, for some of your journey you will be alone and it’s one of the most liberating experiences when you realise you’re totally comfortable with it.

AND Why not:
In our previous article, we have highlighted five of the many advantages of travelling solo. Today, we will give you five of the many disadvantages of going on a trip alone. Do not think we are trying to play a game here; we only want you to be a ‘knowledgeable’ traveller. To travel with friends or not, the final decision is still yours to make!
Experienced travel enthusiasts often recommend solo travelling to other people. While travelling alone is a very exciting and rewarding experience, it is not advisable for everyone. Before you travel unaccompanied by a trusted person, you should know what you are dealing with. Knowing the disadvantages of travelling alone will help you determine if this is a safe option for you. Regret will not do you any good, so it is best to gain awareness long before you pack your bags.
Safety Concerns- A wonderful vacation could easily turn into a nightmare if you travel alone. Since no one is there to watch your back, you become an easy target of criminals. One of the most common problems of lone travellers is theft. Someone might steal your luggage while you are buying a ticket or perhaps, food. In addition, having at least one companion will minimize your risk of becoming a victim of scam.
It Could Get Lonely- With all the exciting things that are happening during your vacation, would it be nice to talk about it with someone? That is not possible if you are travelling alone. Yes, communication tools allow you to speak with anyone back home. However, it is still better to talk to someone who has the same experience as you. Loneliness is one of the most unavoidable disadvantages of travelling alone.
Cost Inflation- Like most travelers, you sure are following a budget. However, there might be instances wherein you will be forced to go beyond the financial plan. The cost of transportation, food, and accommodation might increase unexpectedly. A travelling companion could share the cost with you, which will make the expenses more bearable. It might be necessary for you to prepare extra cash if you really intend to travel on your own.
Awkward Situations- There are some activities that might feel or look weird if you are doing it alone. If you are obviously a foreigner, people might stare while you eat alone in your table. In some situations, solo travelers might end up doing something that is socially unacceptable in the place they are visiting. These things could have been avoided if someone you know and trust is there with you.
No Support- Unfavorable and unexpected things could happen while you travel, especially when you go out of the country. If you get lost and do not speak the local language, then it might take hours before you get back on track. The fact that you are going through this alone will make you feel even more frustrated. Travel mates can also help if you get sick during the trip.
Sometimes it's more expensive
In those rare times you find yourself completely alone, it's safer to take a cab but then it's more expensive as you have no one to split it with.. You do get lonely
You may be in a place where there are no other people around that day, or in a hostel where everyone else is asleep. This is when you become aware you are alone, and that you haven't even spoken to another person in too long. However, this is so easy to get through once you know how. I will usually watch a film on my laptop, write my blog or go out and take some photos. Find what you love and let it keep you busy, that way you barely even realise you're alone.A good friend once told me when she felt alone or homesick she would go and do a good deed or help someone less fortunate than her to help her realise how lucky she still was.
. Something amazing will happen and you will wish someone was there to see it too
You are always experiencing 'that was incredible' moments and sometimes you might be experiencing them alone, these moments are when you wished someone else was there to share it with you. But there will always be more moments, and more friends, so enjoy the freedom and cherish the memories.
As you can see the advantages well out way the disadvantages, solo travel is the most rewarding experience I know I have ever had. I feel liberated and free to a point where I am much more comfortable with being alone than I thought was ever possible. Don't get me wrong I never want to live a completely solo life, I've loved the people I've met along the way and the new relationships I've made, but I feel like I wouldn't of made those if I wasn't travelling solo. For me I was never scared or intimidated by the thought of travelling alone, I always knew deep down I'd love it, but I can totally understand those that might.
These are just some of the disadvantages of traveling solo. Needless to say, you need to have a lot of guts if you want to travel solo. Get the facts and weigh your options carefully before making any decision. If this is your first attempt to travel on your own, then take the time to speak with people who have travelled alone many times. They could give you some advice.
That's all and I hope this can be useful.

Wuyue town - Fengjing, is located in the southwest of Shanghai, a country with 1,500 years of history, Shanghai's only national historical and cultural town, "small bridge, flowing water, they" typical southern water town, street and building Linhe residents River and sleep pillows. Fengjing town of immense cultural, and spiritual人杰, is full of talents, there are modern, vice chairman of the National People's Congress Zhu Xuefan,丁聪cartoonist, traditional Chinese painting master Cheng Shifa, Go team, such as Gu water. Jin Feng rice wine, small hoof Fengjing, top cakes, tofu four native products are known as "Sibao Fengjing." Peasant paintings, cartoons丁聪, Cheng Shifa's traditional Chinese painting and water, such as the Go Board, called at home and abroad have a considerable impact on the "three paintings of a game." Fengjing The main attractions are: ancestral home of Cheng Shifa,丁聪comic gallery, 300 Park, the people's commune site, workshops and other small hoof.

City Beach is located in Jinshan District of Shanghai, is located in the southwest of Shanghai, the north shore of Hangzhou Bay. West and the Zhejiang Pinghu, Jiashan City, adjacent to the east Fengxian District, south of Hangzhou Bay, north of Qingpu District and Songjiang District.

"City Beach" is the top priority of the development and construction of the coastline is the most the Yangtze River Delta cities of Shanghai-style coastal landscape. Wai water area of 1.5 square kilometers. Water to deal with physical sedimentation and biological degradation, artificial waves, the natural cycle of things, with the rain water collection systems on land and water animals and plants chain, while the scientific transformation of the beach, clear water to create Sands coastline of the urban landscape. Artificial laying golden sand and clear water相映成趣, leaned forward to the beach is the promenade has been built landscape. Above the promenade is a wave-shaped roof and white, when both sides of the lights at night lights up the whole, the entire gallery as a long roll with a pearl,煞是pretty choppy.

Bridge view Bihai Sands, oncoming sea breeze, which belongs to the Fiat had been in Hawaii and never belong to Shanghai. In a series of events held here, such as "Beach Volleyball World Tour," "Summer Wind Music Season", and so on, has become a resounding Chinshan card coastline.

East temple is located in Jinshan District of Shanghai朱泾镇No. 150 East Street, Tai Yuan was founded in the first year (1308), formerly known as Kannon. Qing Emperor two years (1313), the change was Donglin Temple. The wind and rain in 700 years, the repeated兵燹, fire and dilapidated and destroyed and rebuilt several times reconstruction. In 1987, the east hall of a temple there was the Shanghai Municipal People's Government as a municipal heritage conservation units. In November 2002, the management of religious affairs Jinshan ratifying, formally registered as a Buddhist activities. Government in 2004 to implement the Party's religious policy, free allocation of the original 20.5 acre compound Jinshan county government as the East Temple and West Temple Monastery One of the expansion of the two sites, and in September 2007 in order to reproduce the characteristics of the Qiao Yuan Temple displayed in front of the vast numbers of pilgrims and visitors.

Temple of the East now is a dazzling spectacle of the mountain - the Buddha is a mountain lying on a Buddha. 57 meters high mountain that is the Buddha, is佛即mountain one Buddha, Foshan stretch. Achieve the "although well-made, like Tiankai" depicted.

Jinshan peasant paintings based on the rural southern landscape or rural segments of life, the idea of new, pristine image, composition is simple and colorful, full of modern rural life, was highly infectious and appreciation of nature. In recent years, Jinshan peasant paintings frequently go out of the country in the United States, Britain, Japan, France and other 17 countries on display, as the "world of folk art treasures

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