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1年,陈景润毕业于厦门大学数学系,曾被留校,当了一名图书馆的资料员,除整理图书资料外,还担负着为数学系学生批改作业的工作,尽管时间紧张、工作繁忙,他仍然坚持不懈地钻研数学科学。哦 对了 我目前上的ABC天卞英语中心的教师说过 若要学好英语是很容易的;一定有个恰当的学习情境和闇练口语对象,最关键就是外教水平 口语标准才行,不间断每日练习口语 1v1家教式辅导才能有非常.好.的学习效果..学习后同样要重复复习课堂录音档,来进一步深化知识~然后要是真的没有练习对象的环境,那么就上 VOA或沪江获取课余学习材料练习 多说多问一下子语感就提升起来,学习成长会非常突飞猛进的..陈景润对数学论有浓厚的兴趣,利用一切可以利用的时间系统地阅读了我国著名数学家华罗庚有关数学的专著。陈景润为了能直接阅读外国资料,掌握最新信息,在继续学习英语的同时,又攻读了俄语、德语、法语、日语、意大利语和西牙语。学习这些外语对一个数学家来说已是一个惊人突破,但对陈景润来说只是万里长征迈出的第一步。陈景润出生在贫苦的家庭,母亲生下他来就没有奶汁,靠向邻居借熬米汤活过来。快上学的年龄,因为当邮局小职员的父亲的工资太少,供大哥上学,母亲还要背着不满两岁的小妹妹下地干活挣。这样,平日照看岁小弟弟的担子就落在小景润的肩上。白天,他带领小弟弟坐在小板凳上,数手指头玩;晚上,哥哥放了学,就求哥哥给他讲算数。稍大一点,挤出帮母亲下地干活的空隙,忙着练习写字和演算。母亲见他学习心切,就把他送进了城关小学。别看他长得瘦小,可十分用功,成绩很好,因而引起有人家子弟的嫉妒,对他拳打脚踢。他打不过那些人,就淌着泪回家要求退学,妈妈抚摸着他的伤处说:“孩子,只怨我们没本事,家里穷才受人欺负。你要好好学,争口气,长大有出息,那时他们就不敢欺负咱们了!”小景润擦干眼泪,又去做功课了。此后,他再也没流过泪,把身心所受的痛苦,化为学习的动力,成绩一直拔尖,终于以全校第一名的成绩考入了三元县立初级中学。在初中,他受到两位老师的特殊关注:一位是年近花甲的语文老师,原是位教授,他目睹日本人横行霸道,国民却节节退让,感到痛心疾首,只可惜自己年老了,就把希望寄托于下一代身上。他看到陈景润勤奋刻苦,年少有为,就经常把他叫到身边,讲述中国000年文明史,激励他好好读书,肩负起拯救祖国的重任。老师常常说得满眼催泪,陈景润也含泪表示,长大以后,一定效祖国!另一位是不满0岁的数学教师,毕业于清华大学数学系,知识非常丰富。陈景润最感兴趣的是数学课,一本课本,只用两个星期就学完了。老师觉得这个学生不一般,就分外下力气,多给他讲,并进一步激发他的爱国热情,说:“一个国家,一个民族,要想强大,自然科学不发达是万万不行的,而数学又是自然科学的基础。”从此,陈景润就更加热爱数学了。一直到初中毕业,都保持了数学成绩全优的记录。祖国光复后,陈景润考入福州英华书院念高中。在这里,他有幸遇见使他终生难忘的沈元老师。沈老师曾任清华大学航空系主任,当时是陈景润的主任兼教数学、英语。沈老师学问渊博,循循善诱,同学们都喜欢听他讲课。有一次,沈老师出了一道有趣的古典数学题:“韩信点兵”。大家都闷头算起来,陈景润很快小声回答:“人”。全为他算得速度之快惊呆了,沈老师望着这个平素不爱说话、衣服槛楼的学生问他是怎么得出来的?陈景润的脸羞红了,说不出话,最后是用笔在黑板上写出了方法。沈老师高兴地说:“陈景润算得很好,只是不敢讲,我帮他讲吧!”沈老师讲完,又介绍了中国古代对数学贡献,说祖冲之对圆周率的研究成果早于西欧1000年,南宋秦九韶对“联合一次方程式”的解法,也比意大利数学家欧拉的解法早00多年。沈老师接着鼓励说:“我们不能停步,希望你们将来能创造出更大的奇迹,比如有个‘哥德巴赫猜想’,是数论中至今未解的难题,人们把它比做皇冠上的明珠,你们要把它摘下来!”课后,沈老师问陈景润有什么想法,陈景润说:“我能行吗?”沈老师说:“你既然能自己解出‘韩信点兵’,将来就能摘取那颗明珠:天下无难事,只怕有心人啊!”那一夜,陈景润失眠了,他立誓:长大无论成败如何,都要不惜一切地去努力。11年北京电视台“祝你成功”栏目记者曾问过陈景润,“人生的目的是什么?”陈景润说:“是奉献,不是索取。”

Modern Chinese mathematicians

Modern Chinese mathematicians

Archimedes of Syracus (287-212 B. C. E)
Give me a place to stand, and I will move the earth.
Eureka, euraka!
Don't spoil my circles! (or Do not disturb my circles!)
There are things which seem incredible to most men who have not studied Mathematics.
Aristotle (384-322 B. C. E)
Now what is characteristic of any nature is that which is best for it and gives most joy. Such a man is the life according to reason, since it is that which makes him man.
There is nothing strange in the circle being the origin of any and every marvel.
The so-called Pythagoreans, who were the first to take up mathematics, not only advanced this subject, but saturated with it, they fancied that the principles of mathematics were the principles of all things.
To Thales the primary question was not what do we know, but how do we know it.
If this is a straight line [showing his audience a straight line drawn by a ruler], then it necessarily ensues that the sum of the angles of the triangle is equal to two right angles, and conversely, if the sum is not equal to two right angles, then neither is the triangle rectilinear.
It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world.
But Nature flies from the infinite, for the infinite is unending or imperfect, and Nature ever seeks an end.
We cannot ... prove geometrical truths by arithmetic.
The chief forms of beauty are order and symmetry and definiteness, which the mathematical sciences demonstrate in a special degree.
The continuum is that which is divisible into indivisibles that are infinitely divisible. Physics.
Roger Bacon (1214-1294)
In mathematics I can report no deficience, except it be that men do not sufficiently understand the excellent use of the Pure Mathematics.
Mathematics is the door and key to the sciences.
Neglect of mathematics works injury to all knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it cannot know the other sciences or the things of the world.
There are four great sciences ... Of these sciences the gate and key is mathematics, which the saints discovered at the beginning of the world.
... mathematics is absolutely necessary and useful to the other sciences.
Heri Bergson (1859-1941)
One can always reason with reason.
Janos Bolyai (1802-1860)
I have created a new universe from nothing.
One must do not violence to nature, nor model it in conformity to any blindly formed chimaera.
Bernhard Bolzano (1781-1848)
My special pleasure in mathematics rested particularly on its purely speculative part.
Even in the realm of things which do not claim actuality, and do not even claim possibility, there exist beyond dispute sets which are infinite.
George Boole (1815-1869)
It is not of the essence of mathematics to be occupied with the ideas of number and quantity.
No matter how correct a mathematical theorem may appear to be, one ought never to be satisfied that there was not something imperfect about it until it also gives the impression of being beautiful.
Geoge Cantor (1845-1918)
The essence of mathematics is its freedom.
I see it, but I don't believe it.
Mathematics is entirely free in its development, and its concepts are only linked by the necessity of being consistent, and are co-ordinated with concepts introduced previously by means of precise definitions.
In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it.
every transfinite consistent multiplicity, that is, every transfinite set, must have a definite aleph as its cardinal number.
Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
I think, therefore I am.
Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare.
With me everything turns into mathematics.
It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.
... the two operations of our understanding, intuition and deduction, on wh ich alone we have said we must rely in the acquisition of knowledge.
In order to seek truth it is necessary once in the course of our life to doubt as far as possible all things.
Give me extension and motion and I will construct the universe.
There have been only Mathematicians who were able to find some proofs, that is to say some sure and certain reasons.
Take what you need; act as you must, and you will obtain that for which you wish!
Only having one truth about each object, whoever finds it knows as much as can known about it.
Democritus (460-370 B. C)
Found, but not proven.
No one has ever surpassed me in constructing figures by means of proofs, not even the Egyptian ``harpedouaptes''(knotters of ropes or geometry), as they are called.
I would rather discover one scientific fact than become King of Persia.
Everything existing in the Universe is the fruit of chance and necessity.
Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
So far as the theories of mathematics are about reality, they are not certain; so far as they are certain, they are not about reality.
I don't believe in mathematics.
God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically.
Nature to him (Newton) was an open book, whose letters he could read without effort.
Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore.
Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater.

Archimedes of Syracus (287-212 B. C. E)
Give me a place to stand, and I will move the earth.
Eureka, euraka!
Don't spoil my circles! (or Do not disturb my circles!)
There are things which seem incredible to most men who have not studied Mathematics.
Aristotle (384-322 B. C. E)
Now what is characteristic of any nature is that which is best for it and gives most joy. Such a man is the life according to reason, since it is that which makes him man.


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